I suppose this whole thing wasn't all bad. I met Aleks and a few of the coolest people ever, and at first I'd thought they were heartless murderers. Goes to show that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

I look up at Aleks, who was now running his fingers along one particular spot on the wall. Poor guy. If I would've just minded my own business and hadn't walked behind the Seven Eleven he probably wouldn't have a bruised and bloody face and a sling on his arm.

But his face is still pretty damn attractive even with the bruises.

Stupid voice. I'm grateful that the visibility in the closet is low, due to my now red face. Man, I blush way more than any human should.

"Aha!" Aleks whisper-yells, making me break out of my thoughts and jump to my feet.

He's pulling on what looks like an air vent. "Time to be spies."


My knees were scuffed up from the metal vent rubbing against them as I crawled.

"I'm definitely enjoying the view back here." Aleks whispers from behind me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"If you keep up with the flirty comments, I'm kicking your face."

He lets out a quiet laugh before a sliver of light appears on the ceiling in front of me.

"It's another vent." Aleks says, stopping when I do.

I move so that I'm looking down into the room below. Through the thin metal racks three people were visible. One of them was a woman with long, brown hair. The other two were daily recognized as Davne and Sam. Their mouths were moving as they swiveled around, most likely searching for Aleks and I.

All of a sudden, the alarm stops it's loud screaming and I can hear what the three are discussing.

"How'd they escape?" Davne angrily asks.

"Busted the window." Sam shortly replies before turning to the woman.

"Cristina, what're we gonna do?"

My breath catches in my throat. Cristina? Surely they couldn't be talking to my mother.

"If we find them, when we find them, we'll take Teagan and kill the boy." The woman speaks with so much power and authority that shivers run through my body. It was definitely my mom. No, it wasn't my mom, it was the murderous bitch that'd killed my father.

I do my best to turn around and look at Aleks with wide eyes, but he looks completely calm. I begin wondering if being beat up had made him insane when he blocks me from going back the way we came.

I shake my head and mouth 'you're nuts', but when I turn back around I accidentally lose my balance and fall on the vent opening, sending me crashing into the floor below.

Almost immediately I'm pulled to my feet and both of my arms are held behind my back.

My mom- Cristina gives an evil grin and positions herself in front of me.

"Tsk tsk. My sweet, sweet, Teagan. Thought you could outsmart your mother, I see?"

I glare at her and struggle against the person holding my arms.

"You don't deserve to be called my mother." I spit out.

She sneers, "maybe not, but since your imbecile father's dead, who will ever take care of you?"

"I can take care of myself perfectly fine."

She raises an eyebrow, "oh?" And then points to the hole I just fell through.

Thankfully Aleks wasn't peeking out over the ledge when she looked up or else he most likely end up dead.

"Why don't you join us instead of those amateur idiots. What are they called again? The Creatures?"

"Over my dead body."

She shrugs and pulls out a pistol that looked nothing like the one I shot and had seen Aleks carrying, "that can be arranged. We'll make sure to get rid of your little boyfriend too. Aleks, isn't it?"

"If you so much as touch him I swear I'll see that you die a slow and painful death." I threaten her, narrowing my eyes even more.

She looks into my eyes like they're made of diamonds. "Ah, your eyes. Your valuable, threatening eyes. It'd be a shame if they went to waste."

She snaps her fingers at Sam.

"Take care of her, I have other things to do."

Sam also pulls out a pistol and raises it, looking me up and down as if deciding the perfect place to shoot me.

I scream in pain at the same time the gunshot sounds. The bullet went right through my shirt and into my side. Blood dribbled from the hole as I stared at him with a dazed expression. The person holding my arms- who I finally realized was Davne- lets go and I crumple to the ground.

Before he drags me out and before the pain become so unbearable that I pass out, Cristina crouches next to me and whispers,

"Tough Luck, sweetheart."



It's been an amazing ride these past few months, but sadly it has come to an end. We've hit so many goals, and currently Tough Luck is at 7K reads. I couldn't thank you guys more than enough for just sticking with this story throughout the off schedule updates (I really don't think I ever stuck to the schedule except like once) and the sometimes horrid chapters xD. BUT, I couldn't end it like that could I?

The sequel will be published sometime around Thanksgiving (if you're not in America sometime around the end of November) or maybe, if I'm still working out the plot, Christmas? Probably not that long so it'll probably be up in November. The cover and title will be released sometime before that. Probably on Halloween (if you don't know when that is its like the last day of October).

Alrighty! That's it for Tough Luck and I'll see y'all in a few months! Unless you read my other two stories, in which case I'll see ya wayy sooner.

Have a great day!


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