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I've been staying in the creature house for a week now and have had five training sessions - I almost passed out after each one- and I'd just gotten done with another one in which Eddie thought I was ready to fight James. Of course we wore padding over our chests and limbs so our punches didn't inflict any pain on the other person.

Currently I was pinning my bangs back with bobby pins and making my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Whilst walking towards the hallway the kitchen was located in I passed the one in which Jordan's office was at the end of.

Seeing this as a chance to find out some things about myself, I looked around to see if anyone was around. It was Friday and 5:00 so Jordan was probably upstairs for the weekend. Quickly walking to the end of the corridor, I looked around once again and twisted the doorknob, muttering curses when the door didn't open.

An idea hits me when I remember an episode of a crime show I watched years ago. The bobby pin fits perfectly into the lock and when I turn it and twist the knob again, the door slowly opens.

Jordan's large wooden desk still sat in the middle of the room but the thing I instantly noticed were the filing cabinets behind it. I close the door and put my bobby pin back into my hair so my hands were free.

The drawers were surprisingly not locked and contained at least fifty folders each. My eyes scan the tabs sticking out on top of them and land on one labeled 'Dominick Martin'. Why'd they have my father's file here?

I pull open the Manila folder and prepare myself for what I knew was written on the papers and began reading.

Dominick Martin

Birth- March 21, 1965

Death- September 12, 2010

Was born in Aspen, Colorado in 1965 to a wealthy family that moved to Denver in 1967. Dominick lived in Denver and being able to persuade anybody to do what he wanted and having almost supernatural physical abilities became the leader of a gang referred to as The Creatures.

My breath catches in my throat and I stare at the words in disbelief before reading on.

He married Cristina Parker when he had turned twenty-three. Cristina gave birth to their eldest daughter, Teagan, in 1993. Then, soon after having Adeline in 2004 Cristina seemingly lost control and murdered her husband on the night of September 12, 2010.

Tears gather in my eyes while I search for my mother's file, placing my father's next to me. That night played out in my head as if it was happening right in front of me. My dad telling mom to put the knife down. Her angry screams. Adeline wailing and clutching my legs as I watched everything, terrified of my own mother.

"Cristina, put the knife back," dad tells mom, "I told you I was at another meeting. You know how busy I've been these last few days. I swear on m-" his words were cut off my mom raising the knife, only when she brought it back down dad staggered backwards and fell. Addie cried even harder so I scooped her up and ran to my grandparents who lived only half a mile away.

My mother was later found guilty of murder and was thrown in jail for a year before getting moved to a mental hospital.

The file labeled 'Cristina Parker' was shoved into the back of the drawer. Shakily opening it up, I gasp and drop it onto the floor when the words at the top register in my head.

Cristina Parker

Birth- June 30, 1967

Death- N/A

Former leader of the AK Locos.

The rest of the page was blank. The door squeaked open and I turn around with tears threatening to spill.

"Teagan? What are y-" Aleks stops walking and his eyes widen at the files on the floor. He looks back at me, "Teagan, Jordan was going to tell you, he just- I dunno. He wanted to wait until you were ready."

I stand and push past Aleks, "I need a moment alone." I say with a weak voice.

The front door didn't seem as far as it usually did. Probably because I was sprinting through the front lawn by now.

"Teagan, wait! It's not safe for you to go out there alone! Especially at night!" Aleks' pleads for me to stop don't work as I press the button that opens the gates and run out.


I don't have any idea how far I've run. All I know is that the house is no where near me. Tall, brick buildings loomed above me as I sat against one with a rusted sign out front that used to read 'General Store' while constantly wiping my nose and eyes.

My dad had never been a special agent like he told us. My mom probably wasn't as crazy as we thought she was either. The Creatures and AKs have been rivals for years, she probably acted like she was nuts so eventually she could get rid of my dad.

While I was contemplating whether or not everything I'd been told was just one big lie, I didn't notice the two men that stepped in front of me. Until a hand grasped my shoulder, that is.

The man holding my shoulder sneered and said, "you're not getting away this time." Before pulling me to my feet.

No matter how much I struggled, he wouldn't let go. Then, a cloth was placed over my mouth and everything went black.


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