Chapter 25

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(I couldn't think of a title that wouldn't spoil the chapter so it's just chapter 25 for now)


A bright light shining in my eyes gives me a headache that makes me groan and cover my eyes.

"You're one crazy chick, you know that?" Aleks says from beside me.

"What happened?" I mumble, turning to Aleks.

He scoots his chair closer to the hospital bed and explains, "you were thrown backwards into the wall and hit your head. The doctor thinks you have a minor concussion but he wouldn't know for sure until you were awake," he glances at the heart monitor beside the bed, "you were out for four days."

"Wow," I rub my temples trying to relieve the headache.

It's silent for a moment while I lay with my eyes closed, "what about the others? Were they injured too?"

Aleks holds up his arm that's bound in a sling, "I think you and Sly got the worst of it, since you two were the closest when the box exploded." He stares at the floor, "you saved him, you know? The doctor said that if you hadn't thrown the package out the door Sly wouldn't have had a chance." He says so quietly I barely hear it.

"No problem," I wince as the headache becomes worse each minute my eyes are open. I turn onto my side to face him, "isn't the hospital like a forbidden place for you guys? Since you're in a gang?"

He slouches in the grey plastic chair and crosses his arms the best he could.

"The officials around here are just a bunch of babies. They're too afraid to arrest or report us. They won't even investigate the bomb incident, although I'm certain we know who was behind that."

My brain doesn't even process what he said because of the pounding ache in my forehead.

"Uhm, do you remember a few weeks ago when I was all happy-go-lucky?"

I groan at the now almost burning sensation happening throughout my temple. "Aleks, can you wait until later to tell me about that? My face feels like it's being hit with a hammer right now."

His face drops, making me feel bad, but he nods anyways.

"S-," he gets cut off by a balding man pushing an empty wheelchair entering the hospital room.

"Ah, so she's awake." The man says with a smile whilst scanning the clipboard in his hands.

"You have a headache or any pain at all?"

I point to my forehead, not even trying to nod.

"It's no surprise, you hit your head pretty hard. Hard enough to cause a minor concussion, which is why your head's feeling like that."

The doctor walks over to the foot of the bed, "I'm Dr. Jacobson by the way. To give a brief explanation of what injuries you have, we'll start with internal then work outwards. Headache's just a symptom of the concussion, your back and almost entire upper body will ache for a few days but that's only from hitting the wall with such force."

Dr. Jacobson grins and tucks the clipboard under his arm, pulling a bottle of pills from his medical jacket pocket and placing them on the beside table.

"Luckily you don't have any broken bones, unlike your friends, but just take two every eight hours twice a day to ease the pain. You're free to go once the others are examined."

The doctor quickly turns and reaches the doorway before abruptly stopping.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. We fixed up that laceration on your wrist while you were out."

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