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Aleks smirked at me and said, "Well, it's nice to run into you again."

I pursed my lips and turned away from his smirking face. "Really? Because I seem to think differently about seeing you." He was silent. Now it was my turn to smirk. I turned back towards him and crossed my arms over my chest.

He was staring across the bar at a dart board. When he looked back at me, he sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair.

"Look, Teagan, I'm really sorry about what happened last week."

He remembered my name. He seemed sincere when he apologized. I let out a breath and accepted his apology. Although he was in The Creatures, maybe we got off on the wrong foot and maybe he wasn't a complete douche like I thought.

Aleks grinned and turned his attention to the twelve shots of vodka now sitting in front of us. He raised his eyebrows at me as if to say "Wanna split them?"

I shrugged and pulled six shots towards me. My hand slightly shook with the anticipation of finally taking a shot after not drinking for a while. I downed the first shot pretty quickly. Aleks did the same.


Even after drinking all six shots if vodka, I felt perfectly fine. I had a high alcohol tolerance so I could have ten shots and still be sober. I don't reccomend doing that though. Aleks still seemed pretty sober, and he'd taken all of his shots too. I waved the bartender back over and ordered a Bay Breeze.

Aleks looked surprised at my choice of drink. "Isn't that like really strong?"

I raised my eyebrows in a questioning way. "Why? Don't think I can handle it?"

"No- it's just- you don't seem like the type to go for strong drinks"

I looked at him weirdly. "You do realize that I just downed six shots of vodka right?"

He waved me off and began to order a drink for himself when I interrupted him,

"I dare you to get a Lemon Drop."

He looked at me and smiled as he ordered a Lemon Drop.

Oh boy, was this going to be funny.

Aleks took a sip of his drink and scrunched up his face. I started laughing like crazy. Seeing him drink something that was in a glass with a sugar coated rim was hilarious, especially since he had that tattoo sleeve and the whole 'bad boy' look.

"You know, it actually tastes great," he said taking another sip. Meanwhile, I was sipping on my own drink, which by the way was amazing.

Two Bay Breezes later and I was beginning to feel tipsy. My brain was too screwed up at the moment for me to be able to tell if Aleks was drunk yet or not. Probably not since he only had a Lemon Drop. A giggle escaped my mouth, as did a hiccup. By now the bar was packed. While giggling, I began spinning around on the bar stool. "Wheeeee!"


I wasn't too sure why I came to the bar tonight. But I'm glad I did since my mission just became a hell of a lot easier. I hadn't realized that the girl I bought those shots for was Teagan until I sat down next to her.

Now, six shots and a Lemon Drop later, I was still feeling alright. Teagan however, not so much. It made sense seeing as she drank the same amount of vodka shots as me and had a Bay Breeze on top of that.

The girl was pretty much drunk. Seeing her spin around on the bar stool laughing uncontrollably proved my statement, well thought I guess I should say. After I'd ordered a plain bottle of beer, something touched my cheek. I abruptly turned and saw Teagan giggling.

"You have squishy cheeks," she stated whilst laughing even more. Her speech was slurred which further proved that she was drunk. I quickly drank the entire bottle that was given to me. I was still 100% sober. I was Russian. What'd you expect? Teagan was currently downing even more shots in a matter of seconds, only this time they were a pinkish color instead of straight vodka.

"Oh my god! I love this song!" She exclaimed despite the fact that the music being played could barely be heard. Regardless, she started waving her arms back and forth in the air. I couldn't help but chuckle at her behavior. It was noticeably getting later since more and more people were coming into the bar.

"Okay, Teagan I think it's time we got you home." I realized I could put my plan into action right now.

"But whyyyy?" She whined.

"Just come on." I stood up and reached for her hand. She got up and held onto my hand as she clumsily followed me outside to my car. It was basically trash. The car was an old Chevy Impala, but it got me where I needed to go so I haven't sent it to a junkyard just yet.

I helped Teagan into the car and went around to the other side to get in myself. I put the key into the ignition, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. I had no clue as to where she lived, but I didn't need that information anyways since I wasn't taking her there in the first place.

Smiling to myself I thought, Mission: Successful


So what'd you guys think of this chapter? It's longer than the previous ones so that's a plus!

Have a super fantastic, awesome, splendid, amazing day!

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