Downstairs, three loud bangs ricocheted through the apartment-like home. Eros stood up to greet the person standing at the door, wondering who would be crazy enough to go out in such cold weather, where hail or snow is just as possible as freezing to death. He opened the door, revealing a seemingly tense Monica.

"Kitchen, now!" The elderly woman whisper-shouted, sounding much more different from her usual motherly sounding tone.

Eros gave her a questioning look as she pushed past him to their small dining room in the kitchen, following behind her after closing the door.

I know those who read this, or those who care, will be heartbroken by my passing, but I would like to relay one piece of information: I am in pain. Pain so unbearable, even the strongest men wouldn't want to carry it.

"Monica, what's wrong? I haven't seen you in a while!" Zayne smiled, standing up to greet the strong woman.

Monica looked at Zayne, then Eros, and back. Her face was etched with worry and once happy expression matched the angry cold of the outside wheather.

"I have news on Achilles' illness," The witch whispered, causing the mates' eyes to go wide and shock spread through their bodies.

"Well, what is it?" Zayne asked hurriedly, eager to hear the news Monica was going to share with them.

No, I am not being heroic or doing anyone a favor by bearing this pain upon my sickly shoulders, but I would like to call attention to the some things that I have remembered over the little time I have been here in this realm.

"I know what's wrong with Achilles and why the two of you are his mates!" Monica exclaimed, turning to the large brown book bag that was slung on her shoulder.

She took out a book, blowing a bit of dust off of it, and turning the pages to one of many bookmarks in the book. As she grazed the words on the pages, a single sentence made her eyes light up with excitement.

"Here! Page 164 in Werewolves Unlocked," She said, pointing to words in a paragraph that said;

"A werewolf, no matter age, race, ethnicity, or gender, will always have a chance at mates. As such, if one us unfairly killed or lost in any way, shape, or form by The Fates, the moon goddess makes up for the heart break by allowing the wolf another."

The first is that I have been keeping a secret from the ones closest to me. Though I do not remember them or anyone from before I awoke here on this earth, but there is a man I cannot get out of my mind. His scent lingers in my memory and voice sends shivers down my spine. I am sorry to my mates, who will most likely be reading this, but his beauty is unmatched, even by those I was destined by. I do not know for sure his name, or the origin behind it, but one thing is certain; Azazel. Though I would like to know who he is and what it means while I am alive, i fear there is not much time left for me.

"Then there's this," She spoke, turning to another bookmark and briefly glancing at the two listening men. She pointed to a paragraph at the very end of a new chapter, titled "The Souls and Their Mysteries."

"Soulmates are eternal. Second Mates are legendary. Despite this, the very creators of werewolves themselves have spoken of the faults in the stars, more specifically where the souls interline and go wrong. To put it bluntly, any soul that has a Second Mate of any form, while begin feeling the repercussions, if they have not already. This will be even more described in the next chapter, "Rejection at Its Finest."

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now