CH.33: Meeting Face to Face! The Master & Angel

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Previously on The New B-Shot, Chapter 32...

"Emberly-san was right about the stone that she made... It does take time for this stone to restore its powers back, so I'll be able to use it again..." I muttered to myself.

"That previous Angel of sure is interesting, and you can only meet her through your dreams!" Aries exclaimed.

"I don't think I would be able to decipher that and calling it a normal dream, Kohana. I think it's what you call a--"

"--Cognitive Dream..." I looked at Aries, who went silent after I said of what he was about to say in his sentence. "Yeah... It's like you're able to go another world and do whatever you want while you are thinking of and planning to resolve if any of those similar events could affect the real world and timeline..." Aries states back in a brief summary.

"I don't know if I'll be able to take him on like this, especially since I wasted the chance I get at using the powers that have been locked in the Garnet of Inferno and it takes a lot of time to restore the powers again..." I replied back, worriedly. "But, I'm not letting that get to me, that easily, Aries..."

I know it's early... But I can't wait that long before the final battle comes early or later than that... Whatever happens, I gotta prepare myself for the worse against the Master of Darkalias...! I yelled in my thoughts.

"The Master of Darkalias is waiting for me and seeing the potential within me that I can easily compete with me until I become stronger than ever!"


"Anyways, where is Hama-san?" The Master of Darkalias asks his children.

"Haven't seen come out of his little room for a while, Father." His daughter replies and points her thumb at the door, which leads into the room of Hama. "What is he doing all this time in his room, my dear~?"

"For all I know, Father, he's been busy with making the preparations for the 'third and final strike', he says." She answers back.

"I can't believe that Father is working a lot harder than he was before, don't you think?" She questions her twin brother.

"You could say that, if you were ever in Father's shoes to do all of the work and coming up with good strategies and a lot of preparations." He answers back.

"Still... Why does Big Bro gets a weapon while I have to deal with the wings that are my weapon?" She questions herself and lets out a long sigh.


"A Darkalia is out, on the loose, everyone! We have to stop it before it destroys the city and hurt the innocent civilians there!" Kohana shouted at them.

"Ruby of Flames! Here my Call, Metamorphose!"

"All right, everyone! I'll be heading out to stop that Darkalia while you guys catch up! Think you can all do it?" Ruby asks them in a serious tone.

"Don't worry about it, Blazing Ruby! We'll able to catch up to you and once we're there, we'll do our part in this battle!" Dracyan responds back, catching her by surprise but she nodded back.

"Thank you, Dracyan."

By the looks of Samuru's face, he wasn't having the best time of his life that there would be a Darkalia within the city and seeing his childhood friend doing the work and protecting the city, is what's making him feel a lot worried whenever that happens. " careful out there and don't get yourself hurt, too..." Samuru thought in his head as he cold expression changed into a serious one.

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