Chapter 17: Friends and Family Hang Out

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Previously on The New B-Shot...

Ruby: *holds up Flaming Aries* You ready for another special move, Aries?

Aries: Ready when you are too, Ruby!

Her makeshift fire gauntlets suddenly appeared on her forearms and then she aims her B-Daman at the face of the monster in front of her angle. The gauntlets' fire started roaring out to the sides and Aries' eyes sparked up afterwards.

Aries: Flaming Horn Crash!

Ruby: Let the flames burst out...

Then the fire on her wings started roaring out and rising to the sides as she was prepared to launch her special move onto the Darkalia.

Ruby: Flaming Aries!!

She pushes the trigger on her B-Daman and multiple marbles shot out and the Aries B-Animal appeared before her. The marbles were dashing faster towards the Darkalia, and then it showed the weak spot on the monster, so Ruby moves her right arm out in front of her and points to where the weak spot of the monster is and the marbles all hit at the weak spot. Afterwards, the monster disappears once it's weak spot was now destroyed, and everything went back to normal. The crater on the ground changes back to normal like nothing happened to the cemented ground from when Ruby got hit by the arm of the monster.

Ruby dives down, planted her on the cemented ground. and then she transforms back to her normal self.

Riki: Kohana!

She then lifts her head up and turns to her left to see Riki and the guys, running up to her, and then she faces her entire body towards them.

Riki: We're glad that you're all right, Kohana.

Kohana: I'm glad that you, Riki, and you guys are okay too.

Yuki: You are getting stronger and stronger with those powers of yours, Kohana.

Yuki: You are also increasing your physical strength and everything else.

Kohana: Yeah, and once I have enough power and strength within me, I will take down who is behind the appearances of Darkalias, constantly...

Kohana: I will not let my guard down for the people in the East, West, North and South cities, my mother and father, and to my friends as well...

Kohana: I won't back down.

Welcome to Chapter 17...

.:Third P.O.V:.

Kohana was sitting inside her bedroom, doing some arts and craft at her desk. She decided to make something for her childhood friend, Samuru, the next time she meets him and with that 'something' that she is making is a new bracelet for him; because Kohana did notice that his bracelet was almost falling apart and becoming a literal mess on his wrist.


 Kohana and Samuru were both at the park of West City, after taking care of the Darkalias within the area that have appeared, earlier that day.

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