Chapter 14: Nickname Throwbacks!!

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Previously on The New B-Shot...

Kohana: *thoughts* Thank you so much for helping, Samuru-kun...or should I say and call, Muru-kun... *smiles*

Welcome to Chapter 14...

~3rd P.O.V~

Kohana was out in the front yard of her house and sitting on top of a tree branch, continuing reading Two Souls in Life, her favorite book series. Aries was sitting on top of her desk in the bedroom. So she was outside and left Aries inside the room.

Kohana: Wow! This is so surreal right now, I love it!

She then flips the next and final page of the book and was now reading it. While she's reading the final page in the book, Kohana saw a specific line with her own two eyes.

Kohana: "When everything goes down, you have to rise up. That's how to become successful, and no matter what, you will win and not lose against to the others souls..."

After reading that line in the final page of the book, she slowly closed it together and gently places it down, on top of her lap. Both of her hands were resting on top of the book and lifts her head up to see the beautiful leaves, rustling in the air, at the top of the tree. She then lets out a calm, relaxing sigh and lets her head down to see the book on her lap.

Kohana:  I'm finally done reading this first season. And next up is season two, Two Souls in Life 2: My Forgiving Soul.

Kohana: I wonder what happens next now that the two main protagonists: Michiko Aya and Katashi Takeo, are now bonded together from both the real world and the soul world...

She curls her lips up into a calm smile and lifts her head up to look at the rustling leaves at the tree top.

Kohana: This is such a beautiful spot to clearly hear the calm rustling sounds of the leaves... So calm and relaxing...

Sayuri: Kohana sweetie! Down here!

Kohana looks down and saw her mother, along with Samuru, waving at her from the ground bottom. She smiled at the two of them and waved them back.

Kohana: Hey, Mom! Morning, Samuru-kun!

Sayuri: Kohana, can you come down here for a second?

Kohana: Sure thing, Mom! Look out below!

Kohana then picks up her book in her right hand and jumps off the tree branch. She planted her feet on the ground, but then Kohana lost a bit of her balance as she landed on the ground. Samuru ran up to her and grabbed her, and Kohana controlled her balance once more.

Samuru: You have to be careful there, Kohana.

She laughs it off and said her sorry.

Kohana: Oh. Sorry about that, Muru-kun.

He stopped and stood there, frozen from what she called him.

Samuru: Uh... What did you just called me, Kohana?

Kohana: Um, I called you by your nickname? What's the matter with that, Muru-kun?

Samuru was blushing a shade of red on his cheeks and Kohana was giggling lightly as she saw Samuru's face, slowly turning red, after being called by his childhood nickname.

Sayuri: Oh yeah, I used to remember that nickname. Every time that Samuru comes over to our house back in West City, I would often hear you calling him by that name.

Sayuri: Ah, the memories are coming back to me, and to both of you, as well...

Kohana: Yeah, I know. But man, it's been a long time since I called you that, don't you think, Muru-kun?

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