CH.27: Tournament of the West

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Previously on The New B-Shot, Chapter 26...

"The stone is used to increase your powers even greater than normal, but you can only use it and then it will slowly fill back up its magical energy before you can use it again."

"When the time comes for you to meet, face-to-face, with the Mastermind himself, be careful of his movements and attacks that could easily weaken yourself to not fight him back."

"I have your word with me, Emberly-san. I won't let you down for a second."


"You came from Crestland?" Kohana asked.

"Oh, my name is Kohana Mai."

"Shiro. Shiro Hama. Nice to meet you, Kohana."


"Snapping Attack, Lightning Diles!" A familiar male voice has been heard from a distance.

"How have you've been doing, Angel of Fire?" Blazing Ruby looked to the right and left surprised when she meets face-to-face with Alba Cocodoro. "Alba!?" Ruby said in surprise and flown up to him. "What are you doing here?" She asked in utter confusion.

"Ever since the Master of Darkalias has made its true appearance before you when your powers were weakening, I came to check up on you, every so often, and maybe I can help you train on increasing the skills for your powers."


"Man, that monster was so scary to look at, Gorgon!" She whined while leaning against the back of the chair. Right now, Shiro was at a cafe and enjoying her time with eating cake and drinking a cup of tea, inside the cafe.

"So I guess everything about those creatures are true, after all..." Gorgon comments and Shiro looks at him. "You could say that again, Gorgon." She replied and takes another bite of her cake into her mouth. "But still, we have to go back home or else my foster family is going to be worried, or maybe not..." She stated.

"Calm down, Shiro. Everything is going to be just fine once you get to see your biological parents again, but right now you gotta endure the life in the house of your foster family." Gorgon states in a serious tone and Shiro chuckled at his serious tone.

"You're right, Gorgon, and we'll be able to see that Kohana girl again, in the future." She added and smiled happily.


~Location: Crossfire Stadium, West City

.:Kohana's P.O.V:.

It was finally time for the next part of the Grand-Pre Crossfire Tournament. I just arrived in the waiting area eith all of the other B-Shots, talking and preparing themselves for the West Grand-Pre Preliminary Round.

I received my gauntlets and earpiece from one of the staff members, and quickly put them on. "Kohana!" I slightly jumped from the call of my name. I turned around and noticed Riki, Samuru-kun, and the other guys coming up to me.

"Oh, hey there, you guys." I greeted them casually while pulling the right gauntlet down. "What is it?" I asked.

All of a sudden, Samuru-kun grabbed both of my hands with one hand while the other was wrapped around my neck. "I was worried for you, when you got hit real bad and Alba helped you out..." He whispered into my ear and I sighed as I broke free from his grasp on my hands.

"It's okay, Samuru-kun. I was fine and didn't get any scratches on myself to make you even worried." I replied and slowly pushed him away from me. "You're always clingy and acting like an overprotective brother or father to me..." I commented and made him slightly embarrassed, making the others behind him chuckle or laughed from my comment.

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