CH.22: Restoring the Angel's Powers

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Previously on The New B-Shot...

"You gotta come with us or else, the Mastermind is going to win this battle between them and Kohana."

After sighing in defeat "If you guys really want my help, then fine. I'll help you guys out with your situation against this battle of Light and Dark for your pretty little angel."

"Really now? Are you sure that Kohana needs my help?"

"Please, Novu. Kohana needs our help and we can't do that without you."

Novu, just like Basara, sighed in defeat for Rory's pleading. "Well then, I'll accept the offer of helping my dear acquaintance with restoring her powers."

Riki, Novu, Basara, Sumi and Rory were getting onto the helicopter, ordered to head to South City to see Alba and his grandfather. Samuru slowly made his towards the helicopter while carrying Kohana in his arms, wearing his golden vest to keep her warm.

Samuru put her in a seat, right next to the window, and sat down next to her and Rory. "Everything will be okay, Samuru. You don't need to rush things." Rory calmed him down.

Meanwhile with the Master of Darkalias...

They were sitting in his dark throne, looking through a crystal ball and watching Riki and the others taking off into the skies, inside a helicopter, heading to their designated location to help restore Kohana's powers.

"Ohoho~ I guess they all found the four legendary dragons together and headed off to the South side to restore the Angel of Fire's powers, in order to face me off~" they said in an annoyed tone and the image immediately disappeared from the crystal ball and, all of a sudden, started laughing lowly to maniacally.

"That White Dragon holder is desperate to restore the Angel's powers and I'll let them all sweat it out until they pass out of exhaustion~"

Welcome to Chapter 22...

~Location: Sauzu Village, South City

.:3rd P.O.V:.

Riki, Samuru and the others finally arrived at the village that their friend, Alba Cocodoro and his grandfather, resides. Of course, Samuru was carrying Kohana with them and needed to restore her powers, fast.

"Riki Ryugasaki. I've been expecting you all to come." Said a calm male tone. They all turned to the front and saw a boy, around their age, approaching them. He had white hair and purple eyes. "Alba, good to see you again." Riki greeted him in a happy tone and he nodded.

He looked over to Samuru and Kohana, and then he approached the two as he placed his hand on Kohana's forehead. "Alba, do you have any way to help Kohana?" Samuru asked.

"Because of her powers growing weaker and weaker, she won't have enough strength to fight for the battle between Light and Dark, and Dark will win with a good advantage against the Angel of Fire." Alba briefly explained Kohana's status and, all of a sudden, she woke up with her left eye purple and her right eye remains the same. "Where... am I...?" She asked in a mutter.

"Shh..." Alba shushes her, "Keep quiet, Angel of Fire. Your powers will soon be restored by the four Elemental Dragons." He stated and Kohana looked at him.

"Thank you... Alba..." She slowly closed her eyes and went back to sleep in Samuru's arms.


Author's Note: Speaking of Samuru's arms, I feel kinda bad for him to be carrying her around. He should've just piggyback her on his back... Anyways, continuing on...!

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