CH.30: Swords and Guns Appear

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Previously on The New B-Shot, Chapter 29...

"This is just like the Inter-Block Match before... It's time for the Angel of Fire--"

"--and the White Dragon--"

"Battle, Round Two!" Kohana and Samuru says at the same time.

"You can do it, Shigami!" Reggie cheered on for Samuru and throwing his fist up in the air while Hugo and Derek were roaring out, like they're lions and tigers.

"Go for it, Kohana!" Riki let out his cheer for Kohana while him and his friends were cheering on with him. Eventually, some of the other guys were getting on with cheering for both of them.

"The battle is tensing up! But who's going to be earning the final point?"

After every shot, the marbles would be defected and fly off the block, but then Kohana's gauntlets filled up the bars. "Samuru! Here comes the--" Dravise stopped what he was trying to say.

"Dravise, what's going on?" Samuru asks, but Dravise didn't spoke back. He then looked at Kohana and widens his eyes in surprise. "What the heck is going on over there?" Samuru asks in confusion and shock, letting go of his B-Daman from the surprised look on his face.

"You ready for this, Aries?" Kohana asks her B-Daman as her eyes changed to purple, glowing brightly, along with the change of her pupils to diamonds.

"I'm so ready for this! Let's go!" Aries exclaims in excitement.

"Drive Shots?!" Samuru exclaimed in surprise.

 "And there you have it, people! The winner of the West Grand-Pre Tournament... Is Competitor Kohana Mai and Flaming Aries!" B-Shot Ryu announces, energetically.

"Something the matter, Samuru-kun?" Kohana asks, looking at him and letting her hand down from waving at the audience. Samuru flinched and moved back a step, while looking at Kohana with a stunned look on his face. "I-it's nothing, Kohana..." Samuru replies coldly.

"Oh... Okay then, Samuru-kun." She giggled at the end and looked away from him, letting Samuru calmed down. "That was close... One wrong move and I'm done for..."


"What's the matter, sweetie?" She asks and placed her hand on my shoulder. "You can tell me anything, you know..." She added.

"Nothing, Mom... I just have this weird feeling in my chest, especially when I'm around Samuru-kun. Whenever I hug him, this feeling and doesn't seem to actually disappear from my chest..." I summarized my explanation and hid my blushing face. "What should I do?" I asked.

"Well, Kohana. That feeling is called "love", you know. That is always a first for you..." She said in reply and quickly looked at Mom.

I widened my eyes, "L-Love...?" I repeated that word again and she nodded to confirm what she said.

"How could that be... This feeling can't go out of my heart... And I don't even know if I could face Samuru-kun again if I ever did..." I whispered to myself as I sobbed and the tears were rolling down the sides of my face, then Mom comforted me and trying to calm me down from sobbing so much.

"I'm sorry for bringing that word up for you, Kohana, but it's the truth." She apologizes to me and letting the tears come down. "You're such a strong girl, and still so weak when it comes to the new feeling you are now having within yourself for Samuru..."

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