Introduction: Moving into East City!

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~Crossfire Arena, West City~

Currently, a Crossfire match going on and they were now onto the last competitor to finish the competition, which was the West Block Champion, Samuru Shigami. His gauntlets were slowly filling up to the brim and a little pocket opened up in his gauntlets.

Dravise: *eyes sparked up* Tornado Spiral Attack!

Samuru: Blow it away, Dravise!

He pushes the trigger on the B-Daman and a lot of marbles came out, and then a white dragon appeared from the marbles. All of the marbles were knocking down all of the targets and the timer stopped, afterwards.

Announcer: Clear! Competitor Shigami fired a super shot! His final time is 9.78 seconds!

All of the other B-Shots were left in awe and surprise, except for some who were amazed by his abilities.

Suddenly, all of the lights were now back and Samuru walked out of the arena and headed towards the exit, but one of the facility members of the arena ran up to him.

Facility member: Mr. Shigami, wait!

Samuru: Hmm? *turns around* What?

The guy took something out of his pocket and held it in front of Samuru; it was a white envelope with a red sealer.

Facility member: We have a letter and this is for you.

Facility member: I'll be going now, see you later Mr. Shigami.

And with that, he walked away from Samuru to do his work, again. The young boy looked at the handwriting on the back of the envelope, and his eyes widened, after he recognized who's handwriting was.

Samuru: It's from her...

He thought.

The dragon type B-Daman looked up, and noticed a smile was slowly appearing on his face.

Dravise: Samuru's smiling... Could it be that 'she' sent that letter to us...

He thought to himself.

Samuru quickly ran out of the arena and went to the park. Then, he went under a tree with a lot of shade, sat down with his back against the trunk, and placed his B-Daman down on the ground as he held the letter in his hands.

Dravise: So, I'm guessing that letter came from 'her', huh?

Samuru:'s from her, alright.

Dravise: Well, you haven't been talking to her lately and that letter must be a sign of what's she doing.

Samuru: And you are now talking way too much, Dravise.

Dravise: Hmph...excuse me...

The young boy rolled his eyes to the other side and slowly opened the envelope, then took out the letter inside. He unfolds the letter and starts reading what was on the letter.

Dear Samuru-kun,

Hey there you two! It's your childhood friend here! So, you know I've been living with Uncle Jeffery for the last six years? Well, I got some good news, me and my Mom just moved to East City yesterday, and it's so exciting to be moving in!

Look, I know that you're always busy with Crossfire lately up until now, but I don't blame you for that Samuru, we are friends after all. I know you were busy with other things everyday, and so do I!

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