An Old Problem, Suddenly Begins A New One

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Then the reason why I stopped coming in the first place also appeared, the moment he told me that I wasn't as mentally stable as I should be. That if I kept harboring the things I did, I'd eventually lose it and things will begin to happen. 

I left before I could find out the things. 

So I sat down on the couch across his and he pulled out two glasses and a large glass bottle. Then poured the content of the glass into the glasses and picked them up. He handed me one and sat down and sipped on his. 

I sniffed to find out what it was to find the nostalgic smell of his favorite scotch. 

It reminded me of when I started coming here, how he tried to get me to talk but I never did. Until one day I accidentally took a sip of his glass of scotch instead of my water and finally I began to talk.

At first he was hesitant to give me any at all but he did, only when it seemed like I'd need it to most.

"So Ms. Grey, what brings you here?" Hart askes, placing the glass on a counter.

I lightly sipped on the scotch and felt my throat begin to burn a little, so I placed it down and replied. "I'm having...issues."

"Issues?" He pressed.

I nodded. "Yeah I've realized that this troublemaker in me my be rooted from a much darker source. Something that I can't quiet figure out yet. So I came here for your assistance."

"So you've finally decided to finally end this troublemaker for once and for all. May I ask what triggered such a realization?"

I bit my lip, Damien.

Its been hard to not think about him but I've managed to survive the pain of losing him. 

I closed my eyes and held back the tears. "My ex boyfriend."

"Ah I see, usually these kind of realizations happen when you lose something important to you. Did you happen to love him?"

I nodded my head and my heart began to feel like it was being pulled out. "Unfortunately I loved him more than I'd like to admit at this point."

"I've never heard you say you love someone, not even your father, although that's pretty self-explanatory." He sighed. "This was your first love wasn't it?"

I nodded again.

"I'd like for you to tell me about this man—"

"Damien." I cut him off. 

He nods. "Please, tell me about Damien."

So I did, I told him how we met and how our romance started...and how it ended. From the classroom to neighbors all ending with him going to jail. 

As Hart takes my story in, he gets up and dials on his phone. "Yeah, Karen...I'm sorry but I've got an emergency so we have to cancel our appointment today." His gaze slices to mine. "No need to worry Karen I'm fine, I've just got someone who needs me more at the moment okay? Alright great. Have a nice day."

When he placed the phone back, he sits back down across me and crossed his hands together. "So a teacher? You were never into authoritative types, what changed with him?"

"Something about him...the amount of want for him and the mixture of control just attracted me to him. I'd never admit it to him but I've wanted Damien Black since the first time I defied against him."

Hart chuckled. "I'm aware that it was immoral for Damien to date his student and he obviously didn't even try to hide it. You guys have been pretty lucky with this."

"Yeah...Damien and I just didn't care."

He nodded. "Have you had sex?"

"...Yeah but only a few times..."

"You dated for what...three months? With your libido I would only imagine you two being in bed by daily."

"A lot happened, I was pretty messed up with Logan...and the thought of sex wasn't really pleasing to me."

Hart pinched the bridge of his nose. "Could this Logan be anything like Vince?"

Vince...that name went straight into that vault where people like Pierce and Logan went. The vault where if you keep pushing it down, you'll eventually forget it. It's worked for a few years and would've continued to...if Hart hadn't brought it up.

Hart leaned towards me. "You know one day your going to have to talk about it, I've only heard pieces but you won't talk about him. Infact I'm pretty sure you've kept digging a hole until he's so far down you feel safe from the memories of him."

"I'd rather not talk about Vince."

Hart sighed. "You have to, especially after Logan. Sex hasn't been the same, you want it to be but you know it hasn't Roxanne. Telling yourself constantly is one thing, but to actually feel it is another."

"What does Vince have to do with anything?" I hissed.

He studied my eyes. "That's why. That fire built up inside you is anger Roxanne and we both know you haven't forgiven him. I also know he was one of the reasons this whole troublemaker stuff started."

"Could you stop talking about him!"

Hart raised his voice out loud and said. "You want to know why we have to? Because in the most cruelist way possible that man took your innocence and his sick mind played with you, tortured you. And you were only twelve!"

"Shut the fuck up!" I slammed my hands against my ears. "Shut up, shut up!!!!!!"

Hart walked to me and grabbed my shoulders. "Roxanne calm down!"

"Let go of me you sick bastard!" I shoved him off. "I hope you rot in fucking hell!"

Hart sped over to his desk and grabbed a bottle of water, then suddenly I was drenched.

He stood in front of me. "Do you see why we have to talk about this? Why forgetting without dealing can fucking make you lose your marbles? Roxanne unless you deal with this then your just going to keep being this way, do you want to know why your a troublemaker? Because causing someone else problems makes you forget your own. Do you want to know why you punched Ms. Caper so her she lost three teeth? Because causing pain makes you forget your own. No matter what you do the man who took your virginity and did all those things to you won't go away. But you can deal with it, you can become better." Hart sighed. "And if you don't, then your just wasting your time because there'd be no point in trying to become better if you still give that fucker that power over you."

"I don't want to remember him..."

Hart kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my hand. "I know you don't, but I also know that you've forgotten what it's like to be the Roxanne before. You had to hide her too, you don't want to be weak like her. But I'm asking you to be strong and face this son of a bitch, because this isn't healthy Roxanne."

"You don't understand the things he did to me..." I curled up, my breathing becoming more fast.

He gripped his hand tighter. "No one knows but you, you didn't even tell your dad. I'm surprised he never noticed but then again he was always at work and you were had no mother to talk to. I couldn't get it out of you and better yet you went to the hospital a month later to make sure you were alright after I forced you. If there wasn't any confidentiality, I would have called the fucking police."

"I can't talk right now...I've got to...go...I need to think things through."

He stood up. "Understandable, but when your ready I'm all ears. Remember I'm here to help you in any way possible Roxanne. I've always been here for you."

"Thanks...I'll remember that." I said standing up, walking towards the door.

"Roxanne." He said.

I turned around.

"If you seriously want to be better and feel worthy enough for Damien, then you seriously need to talk about this."

I nod and opened the door.

This wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.

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