👑Chapter 85👑 Growing

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👑Thank you for sharing random_muslimah2!!👑

Chapter dedicated by the beautiful and talented duchessoftheclouds


I took my apron off as I sighed, staring at the letters in front of me. Why was being an adult so difficult? Why did it feel like as soon as you reach the double digits in your age that life seems to change?

Life is all about change, even though we love to deny that we haven’t changed. We all love to say that we've has this mentality from a young age. Doesn't mean it's true, thought. I think we all have encountered troubles in life that have changed our mindset and made us smarter.

The sad reality is we all acted stupid at one point.

But now, it's time to grow up. Some grew up faster than others. And those others still haven't seemed to grow up.

“Why are you stressing yourself out, dear?”

I shook out of my daze and stared into Betty's blue eyes.

“Just some university letters.” I said, looking down at all four of them.

“Have you opened them?” She asked, looked down at them.

I nodded.


“I got accepted to all four,” I said.

“That's wonderful! I'm so proud of you, dear. Always knew how smart you were.” She exclaimed, coming towards the counters and hugging me tightly.

“Thanks, Betty.” I smiled, hugging her back.

“Now want to tell me what's really wrong?” She asked, leaning on the counter.

“I didn't expect getting accepted to all of them. You know when I moved here, Betty, I told myself that I'd go back to Toronto after high school and attend university there. But look at me now… I have a life here, too. I don't know how I can just leave everybody and go back.” I said, feeling overwhelmed.

“Oh, dear,” she said, holding me in her arms.

“I know that you love your friends a lot. But you must know that this decision that you make shouldn't be based off of your friends. You must make this decision based off of where you will succeed the most. Where you'll be the most happiest. Your happiness should be number one priority.” She said, stroking my cheek.

I nodded. “I know, it's just so hard to put myself first when so many people are counting on me,” I said, looking down.

She lifted my chin gently. “If they really are your friends, Madina, they will respect your decision. And plus, they will have their own decisions to make about where they attend. Yours shouldn't be such a big burden.”

“Yeah…” I said, taking a deep breath “What about Bryson, Betty? How can I just leave so easily? He will probably hate me forever.”

“He won't hate you, Madina. If this young man loves you, he will allow you to go. The distance will either make his love stronger towards you, or it will make both of you go separate ways. Don't rush things, love, God always has another plan.” She said, squeezing my hands.

I smiled slightly. “Thanks Betty, this helped me with my decision,” I said.

Inside, I knew I was still confused. But her wise words did help the jungle in my mind.

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