👑Chapter 81👑 My Trophy

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♡Chapter edited by the beautiful and talented duchessoftheclouds


👑Brysons POV👑

Hot air escapes my lips as I huffed. Tony kept his attention on me, encouraging me with his hawk eyes.

My hands gripped the handle bars tightly as the veins in my arms popped through my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut as I moved my left leg, then right.

Moving my left leg was harder, since the bullets damaged the nerves on my left more so than the right, but I still managed. I swung my left leg, moving it once again. My grip loosened on the bars as my right leg moved effortlessly.

I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead as I prayed that I wouldn't fall this time.




I looked up and I was face to face with a gleaming Tony.

“You did it, brother! Mashallah (God has willed it).”

I smiled as Tony put his arm around me and handed me the crutches.

“A whole hallway. You walked by yourself, a whole freaking hallway!” He yelled, the other patients turning to look at us.

I chuckled as I took the crutches. It felt better, not having to put so much pressure on them anymore.

I took my shirt off and faced the mirror. Not to be cocky or anything, but my muscles never looked better. Who would've thought simple aerobics would've had me looking so for. My arms looked packed, because of all I did was carry myself with my arms.

“Are you staring at yourself?” Tony asked, laughing as he wrote into the medical journal.

“No, I'm just looking at the mirror. Of course I'm staring at myself.” I huffed, flexing my chest.

He chuckled as his eyes made its way to my back. A frown made its way on to his face as he looked back at the journal.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing, just looking at the calculations.” He said, keeping his head down.

“Come on man, what are you thinking?” I asked, sitting down at the bench slowly.

“Your scars, brother. How could someone hurt you so badl-”

“It's in the past, Tony. He's in jail for life. If it Madina wasn't there with me that night, I would have shot him in between his eyes.” I said angrily as I took my shoes off.

Tony looked at me silently. “Thank god she was there with you. God saved you, Bryson. If you would've killed him, it would've been you in jail right now, astagfirullah (I seek forgiveness/God forbid). He deserves to be in there, and he will rot, not you,” Tony said, looking away into free space.

“Yeah… I thank God every day. I'd rather be shot than be in jail right now. He doesn't deserve to die, he needs to suffer. But I leave it in God’s hands from now on. I can't control my destiny, it's already been written.” I said, slipping my slides on.

Tony patted my back. “I can tell you've been reading.”

“Reading what?” I huffed with a smile.

“The Quran (holy book), you’re becoming wise,” he said with a smirk.

“I've been wise.” I said, pointing to my chest.

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