Twenty Seven

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A/N: just kiddin' y'all... our summer break is almost over so... i think i better finish this one.. yeah?

Lauren's PoV

March 23rd 2013.

Saturday 11:20pm

New Smyrna Beach.


I watch amused as Will pours a large amount of bourbon into my nearing on empty glass and I roll my eyes and push his hand away that is holding the bottle before he drunkenly overfills my drink.

"Thanks bud." I take a sip from the drink, already feeling light on my feet as it goes, but from looking around right now the party is clearly only just getting started.

"Hey uh, you got something else for me?" he wraps his arm around my shoulders and turns me around. "If you know what I mean."

I don't even know why he is bothering to be discreet, half the people who are here seem to be on something already and the other half doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about it.

"You're in luck." I pull out the last small packet from my back pocket. "You can be my final customer of the evening." I smirk as his grin widens.

"Ah I knew I invited you to these things for a reason, Jauregui!" he pats my back before I discreetly hand him the small see through packet of cocaine and collect his money before shoving that into my wallet. "Nice doin business with ya, enjoy your night!" he scuppers off immediately, no doubt heading straight for a flat surface and I roll my eyes before taking another sip from my drink and scanning my eyes through the crowded party.

It doesn't take me long to spot who I was looking for.

I watch with a small smile as Camila stands laughing at whatever it is Zayn is drunkenly telling her, most likely one of his many stories about the times he used to live in England, he likes to think he was some sort of comedian back then but I swear his humor doesn't exactly translate very well across the pond.

I quickly push my way through and wrap my arms around her from behind; feeling her tense slightly before relaxing when she realizes its me. I quickly press a kiss to her neck, nuzzling her skin for a moment before standing up straight with a smirk.

"I thought I'd come rescue you before someone bores you to death." I hold her tightly against me as she giggles and Zayn rolls his eyes and sends me a mocking glare.

"Oh please, you were just jealous because Camila was clearly enjoying my company more than your own, Jauregui."

Camila giggles and the sound sends a fluttering feeling to my heart that I will never admit too out loud, so instead I just tighten my arms around her, enjoying the feeling as she presses backwards against me.

"He was just telling me a funny story about that one time you got so drunk at a party you fell asleep outside against a trash can all night." She smirks while briefly looking over her shoulder at me and I roll my eyes and send Zayn a quick glare.

"Not one of my finest moments, but he should be careful on sharing people's embarrassing stories when he has plenty of his own at my disposal." I smirk and Camila giggles again as Zayn immediately holds up his hands in defense.

"Point taken mate, I'll catch you in a bit." He chuckles and excuses himself and I quickly use the opportunity to spin Camila around before pushing her lightly against the wall that Zayn was just stood against.

"Now that I finally have you alone." I wiggle my eyebrows at her playfully. "I get to take advantage of you in your slightly intoxicated state?"

"Um, I am not drunk." She defends herself pointedly but the way her arms clumsily swing around my neck and tug me roughly down to her says otherwise.

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