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Camila's POV

October 10th 2012.

Wednesday 12:20pm.

Miami, Florida.

So by the time lunch time rolled around I think it was safe to say that the entire school have heard about my break up with Shawn. Unlike yesterday when I only had my friends and Shawn's friends to deal with before I skipped off for the afternoon, today I have the whole school, and I just know that as soon as I leave the building, that will result in the whole town.

"Bitch." I hear some sophomore girl mutter under her breath as she walks past me in the hallway and I bite my tongue to stop myself from saying something in reply. God, I don't even know that girl, and she certainly doesn't know anything!

Isn't it strange how quickly things change? These people were calling me a hero and singing my praises just 48 hours ago.

Suddenly I'm public enemy number one, all because I broke up with a boy who I wasn't happy with, wasn't myself with. I know that people thought we were perfect together, the cheerleader and the quarterback, but life isn't a fairy tale, and I can't be with someone who I'm not passionate about, not anymore.

I had an unfortunate run in with my now ex-boyfriend this morning before our first class of the day, which unluckily for me, just made me look like an even bigger bitch to everyone, so not exactly helping my status of popularity right now.

I was stood minding my own business by my locker, attempting to ignore the whispers and stares, this time all coming from negativity, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned around to see a depressed looking Shawn looking at me with a sad smile and his puppy dog eyes. He asked me to talk somewhere in private, but I told him that we didn't have anything to talk about, he pleaded, begged me to talk to him, to answer his questions.

But honestly, I couldn't.

How could I? A good period of our relationship was based on lies, he just didn't know it. I cheated on him for Christs sake, more than once too. I was wrong, I did wrong and Shawn deserves better than me, I just wish he would see that and move on.

Of course it probably would help if he did actually know the truth, but that can never happen.

Looking back, I know I only started dating Shawn because that's what all our friends wanted. We were close friends, and I was very much aware of the crush that Shawn had on me, but when he told me that he loved me I was thrown off, and went running scared, but the second I told Normani and Dinah about it they both squealed with excitement, lots of words of how happy they were that Shawn eventually told me and that now we can be together.

There was no question in them that maybe I didn't return the feelings.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't spend a year in a loveless relationship just to please my friends, I loved Shawn, I still do, but I was never in love with him and that was the problem. No matter how happy we were once in our relationship, no matter how much I did find him attractive, there was never that spark, that chemistry.

There was always something missing.

I just wish that Shawn was able to notice it too.

"Just ignore them." I turn my head surprised when I see Sofia start walking beside me and I offer her a small smile.

"Easier said than done, you'd think I'd have killed someone the way some people are looking at me." I roll my eyes slightly at their dramatics and overreactions.

Sofia however just lets out a small laugh. "All the girls hate you because they have a crush on Shawn and all the boys hate you because they all want to be friends with Shawn, so you're screwed either way really."

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