Twenty Five

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A/N: up for a double update??? i had a great day so im in a good mood to update not just one but twooo... :))

Camila's PoV

February 19th 2013.

Tuesday 10:25pm

Miami, Florida.

"Here you go," I smile softly at Sofia as I walk into her bedroom and hand her a mug of steaming hot chocolate.

"Ah thank you." She grins and pauses her game, throwing her Xbox controller to the side of her bed. "I should get injured more often if this is the treatment I'm going to get." She looks at me for a long moment. "Hey are you ok?" she frowns concerned. "You look like you've been crying."

I act nonchalant and wave him off. "I'm fine, just tired." I hold a tight smile before continuing "And you weren't injured, you were beaten up." I point out to her despite myself. Sofia is right, all evening I have been at her beck and call, waiting on her every need but I can't help but feel a weight of guilt at this happening, I can't help feeling somewhat responsible for part of Lauren's actions.

Of course Sofia doesn't know that, or more importantly, know why.

Sofia chuckles slightly. "Maybe I'll start provoking Jauregui on a weekly basis if this is the treatment I'm going to get, it might even get you to let me drive that car of yours." She teases with a smile and I frown a little because although I did believe Lauren when she told me that Sofia attempted to blackmail her, it feels strange to hear it coming from Sofia's mouth.

"So you did provoke her?" I ask with a sigh and Sofia shrugs casually. "Sof! You can't go around doing things like that..."

She rolls her eyes unconcerned. "It's no big deal, Kaki, I tried to get one over on her but she went all psycho and beat me up instead. I admit it was a bad call but it's over now so you don't have to worry ok." She places her mug on to her bedside table before standing up and pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. "Lauren knows better than to come after me again anytime soon, especially with the way Dad is gunning for that family right now." She smirks slightly and I force a smile and excuse myself, barely able to keep indifferent and detached for much longer when it comes to Lauren Jauregui.

I walk back into my room through our connecting bathroom and I'm surprised to see my Aunt Jenna sat on the edge of my bed waiting for me.

I force another smile to my lips, my heart rate starting to speed up because ever since I confessed to her about my relationship with Lauren last night she has barely spoken to me.

"I didn't know you were going to be here tonight." I muse, trying to pretend that nothing is out of the ordinary as I make sure to close the door shut behind me.

"I had a date with Simon so I thought I'd drop by before I drive back to Whitmore." I nod my head slowly, knowing that Jenna and Simon started dating a couple of months back, I found it a little strange at first I mean he is my History teacher but as time went on and I got to meet him outside of school grounds I came to realize how much of a cool guy he is and how perfect he is or my Aunt Jenna who deserves a good guy in her life after all the douchebags she has dated in the past.

I distract myself by placing my phone on charge and moving some things around on my dressing table. "How was it?" I ask while briefly looking over my shoulder.

"Great," she smiles slightly. "But you know that I didn't come here to talk about my date with your history teacher."

I freeze slightly and take a deep breath before willing myself to turn around and face her.

"I know." I play with my fingers as I stand before her nervously. "You want to talk about Lauren."

"I want to talk about you." She corrects me and motions to the space on the bed beside her for me to take a seat; I take another deep breath and slowly join her, a little surprised when she takes my hand in hers. "This isn't you, Mila," I go to pull my hand away in protest but she clutches it tighter and continues. "No listen to me, it's not! The secrets, the lying...God Camila, the cheating, that isn't you and you know it sweetheart."

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