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Lauren's POV

October 22nd 2012.

Monday 9:20am.

Miami, Florida.

I push the doors open to the police station, my feet quick as I walk through the hallway that leads towards the reception area, Harry close on my heels. I round the corner and immediately find Zach pacing up and down, his cellphone pressed against his ear as he barks orders at someone on the other side of the line.

He looks up and sees us, holding out a finger to motion for us to be quiet as he finishes his conversation. I sigh and turn to look at Harry who still looks nervous and I watch him for a moment, realizing that this isn't something that he is used too. Mike has been unstoppable all his life, ever since the day he was born he has never once had to worry about losing a parent, whether through prison or... other things.

"Hey." I place my hand on his shoulder. "It'll be ok."

He nods his head just as Zach hangs up the phone. "About time you got your ass here, Lauren." he scolds me and I roll my eyes.

"Save it, I'm here now." I look around the area. "Where's Marie?" I question, figuring that she would be here. Her and Mike sure have their problems but she does play the supporting wife very well, even if it does pain me to say it.

"She's speaking to Mike's lawyers at their offices." he explains.

"What the hell happened?" I finally ask, still in disbelief. "I thought this was going away, I thought Mike had bargained a deal?"

"He did." Zach sighs. "Everyone came to an agreement that Mike would pay back all money owed as well as a pretty chunky bonus on top of it, throw in a hefty donation to the council and everyone was happy." he shakes his head in annoyance. "Until Cabello ruined it."

I let out a dry bitter laugh because it all makes sense now. "Because he no longer has anything against you, he's gone after Mike instead?"

Zach shrugs. "I guess so."

"Asshole!" Harry snipes angrily. "This isn't right! He can't just do this, they made a deal!"

"He runs the law in this town, he can do whatever the fuck he likes." Zach snaps angrily. "Look, it'll pass, whether or not it'll cost us a small fortune or not, alright?" his phone starts to ring again and he sighs and looks down. "I've gotta take this." he excuses himself and walks towards the entrance outside.

Harry shakes his head, his jaw clenched. "This is all my fault, if I hadn't of stolen those files..."

"Hey, hey." I hiss at him quickly. "Don't say that shit in this place." I warn him before continuing. "And it's not your fault, Zach could have gotten up to six years if it wasn't for you, nobody could have called this happening, but it's Dad, he'll find a way out of this, he always does. Zach is right, it'll cost us, but it's not like we're poor, is it?"

"Yeah I guess so." he mumbles with a sigh. "I'm gonna go and call my Mom, see how it's going with the lawyers and if I can find out more of what's going on."

"Ok, I'll wait here." I take a seat and watch as he leaves before running my fingers through my messy hair, cursing myself for putting my family in this mess.

They have absolutely no idea that this is all down to me, and I feel like a grade A dick because of it. But it's not like I can tell them the truth is it? They'd disown me, and that would probably be the best case scenario to come from them finding out.

I sit alone trying to fight off my guilt when I hear the sound of an electric door opening and I look up just in time to see Detective Cabello walking out one of the staff doorways across the hall.

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