Twenty Four

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Lauren's PoV

February 19th 2013.

Tuesday 8:55am

Miami, Florida.

I glance between Selena and Camila slowly, my entire body tense and frigid and I can see Camila's cheeks heating up red. Selena does not look happy one bit, and I'm guessing that even the two of us arguing is still breaking her ridiculous no contact rule.

"What's wrong, Lauren? Cat got your tongue?" Selena sneers at me coldly and I glance back at Camila who is looking more and more unsettled by the second.

I notice a lot of eyes on us, most them full of curiosity and intrigue, probably just dying to know the latest chapter on the Jauregui versus Cabello storyline that this ridiculous town has conjured up throughout the years. I suppose this time though it is my own fault, I should have just left Sofia alone in that alleyway but my temper and frustration took over me and I just saw red.

Now I feel more exposed than ever, and judging from the look on Camila's face she is feeling the exact same way.

I take a deep breath and hope that she won't totally hate me forever. "Nope." I answer Selena briefly and turn my attention back to Camila. "She's just not worth my time to even waste a breath of explanation for; I beat up your sister because she's an idiot." I shrug casually. "I'd apologize but...I'm not sorry so..."

Camila stares at me for a moment and I notice her eyes harden. "You're a dick." I shrug at her reply and I literally try to hide my relief when the bell rings. Some of the crowd around us grumble in annoyance, clearly disappointed that we won't be giving them much of a show after all and reluctantly head to class.

Selena stays firmly glued to her spot, ignoring the ever so dwindling crowd and before I know it it's just the three of us left here in the empty hallway.

"Camila please-"

"Save it, Lauren." She cuts me off with a glare and I look at her desperately. "I gotta go to class." She turns around and walks away and I make a move to follow her but Selena side steps in front of me.

"Move out of my way!" I growl at her angrily when she doesn't budge. "Selena! Move!"

"Follow her and I'll show your family those photos today." She snaps at me coldly and I clench my jaw tightly, reminding myself for the billionth time with this bitch that it's not ok to hit a girl. I stand still, no longer trying to get past her and Selena's lips curl into a smirk. "Just what I thought."

"Why are you doing this, Selena?" I sigh, feeling somewhat defeated.

"Why not?" I glare at her and go to walk away but she clutches onto my arm and stops me.

"Will you just back off!" I pull my arm away from her furiously. "You got what you wanted! Camila and I broke up so why the hell can't you just leave us alone?!"

"Because that would be too easy! Although apparently I don't even have to help you too much because it seems like you're doing a pretty good job of destroying things with Camila all on your own! Typical Lauren Jauregui, doesn't know a good thing until it's gone."

I scoff in disbelief. "What the hell would you know?"

"You'd be surprised." She glares at me and I look at her in disgust.

"Why can't you just let this go? What do you have to gain in all of this except for satisfying your sick psychotic brain in other peoples suffering?"

"What do I have to gain?" She laughs in utter disbelief and looks at me like I'm mad. "Are you serious? I get to watch you suffer! I get to take pleasure on seeing you looking miserable every single day, that is what I have to gain Lauren and if you don't understand why then you are a bigger idiot than I first thought!"

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