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Camila's POV

October 1st 2012.

Monday 6:00pm.

Miami, Florida.

Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives or the moments in our lives make us? Ever wonder how long it takes to change your life? What measure of time is enough to be life-altering? Is it four years, like high school? One year? An eight-week walking tour? Can your life change in a month, or a week, or a single day? We're always in a hurry to grow up, to go places, to get ahead...but when you're young, one hour can change everything...

I take a sip from my cold lemonade as I stand by the bar in The Grill waiting for Shawn to start his break so we can go sit down for dinner.

Looking around the place, I'm not surprised it's not as busy as it usually is at this time of day, the second I walked in here I wanted to walk straight back out of it.

It's ridiculously hot, and stuffy and I lift up my t-shirt slightly to air it out as it sticks to my back, letting out a puff of breath up over my face in an attempt to cool myself down.

"Hey Camila," Ashley from the cheer squad who also works part time here at The Grill walks past with a smile and I send her a small wave and a quick greeting back, her uniform covering her petite body.

"How come it's so hot in here?"

"The AC is broke I think," she explains with a shrug. "I'm not really sure, I just started my shift but I do know that the boiler has been acting up lately." I nod my head, hoping that they get it fixed soon because it's becoming unbearable in here.

"You waiting for Shawn?" she asks confused since I'm stood alone.

"Yeah, he should be on a break soon, right?" I double check the time, usually he gets 30 minutes at six, and since it's not particularly busy she didn't think there would be a delay.

"He's already on it." Ashley motions to the other side of the restaurant. "I'm sure I saw him head over there with Michael Horan about five minutes ago."

"Great." I mutter annoyed before forcing a smile. "Thanks." I follow in the direction she pointed me in, and just as Ashley said, there's Shawn sat laughing and joking with Michael.

"Camila, there you are." Shawn grins and moves along motioning for me to join him but I stop at the edge of the table.

"I thought we were meeting for dinner today." I go straight into it, not even bothering with pleasantries.

"We are," Shawn looks confused for a moment. "I was just talking to Michael first..."

"You told me to meet you at the bar at six." I practically huff, wondering why I'm being so immature about this and overreacting.

Shawn glances at Michael for a moment who looks a bit uncomfortable before standing up. "Let's go talk somewhere more private." he takes a hold of my hand before I can argue and pulls me into the back storage room. "What was that, Camila?"

"What was what?" I snap impatiently. "We were supposed to meet at six, I was stood waiting for you like an idiot."

"You're overreacting." he frowns. "In fact, you've been like this for weeks!"

"Like what?" I answer despite me knowing that I have been a bitch lately, but I can't seem to help it. I know I'm being unreasonable, I know I'm being harsh but the words keep leaving my mouth before I can stop them.

"Moody and snappy, you're getting angry at me for no reason. Most of the time it's like you're in a completely different place to everyone else, your mind always elsewhere." his eyebrows crease together. "Have I done something to upset you?"

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