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Camila's POV

October 24th 2012.

Wednesday 12:00pm.

Miami, Florida.

I stifle a yawn as I walk out of my English class, normally I love that class because English Lit is my favorite subject but today it sucked and I couldn't concentrate at all, drifting in and out of my head for the entire hour, not paying attention to anything we were learning and when I did I was completely lost to where we were at.

I know why.

I still haven't found a way to fix my little dilemma tonight. My Dad still wants me to go for dinner with the Horan's and Lauren obviously wants me to do whatever she was planning on doing with her.

It's like I literally have to choose between my father and Lauren, and suddenly it's not just about a dinner or wherever anymore.

I pull my cellphone out as I walk through the crowded hallways towards my locker to drop my books off before I meet my friends for lunch, and a smile quickly creeps on to my face when I see a text from Lauren.

Bet u are lookin forward
to seein' me later hotstuff!
Dont worry, not much
longer and u will be free
to admire my hot body
as much as you please ;)

I let out a small laugh at her words, because her cockiness is something that I love and hate all at the same time but before I get the chance to reply with a smart ass comment of my own the sound of my name being called pulls me out of my daze and I stop my walking and turn around to see Niall waving his hand at me.

"Hey, I've been shouting your name for the last minute!" Niall smiles as he jogs towards me. "You looked like you were in another world. Everything ok?"

I slip my phone back into my pocket quickly. "Oh yeah, sorry," I smile as we start to walk alongside each other. "Was just reading a text."

Niall just nods his head and moves on to change the subject. "So my Dad told me you were coming to dinner with us tonight?"

"Oh uh...well...yeah." I stutter, not really sure what I'm supposed to say to that.

Why do I always put myself in complicated situations?

"You don't sound too sure." he smiles at me slightly and I force a smile back.

"No, sorry. Ignore me." I smile. "Yeah, my Dad mentioned it..."

"Not gonna lie, I was relieved when I found out you'd be joining us. I mean no offence to your Dad because I think he's great, but I know that they would spend the whole evening talking business or things that happened 'back in the day', so I'm glad you're gonna be there so at least we can hold an interesting conversation."

"Mhmm." I nod my head with a forced smile as we thankfully reach my locker, however my relief is quickly destroyed when Niall stops too before leaning on the one beside mine and I inwardly curse.

"How are things going with you anyway? You and Shawn good yet?" he asks curiously and I frown at why he is so interested in Shawn.

"He still pretends I don't exist." I admit deciding to just be honest, I mean, Niall is a friend, I guess? Is that what he is? I don't even know, he's one of those people who have always been in my life, our families are friends and we have always attended the same functions and parties ever since I can remember. But he's older than me, and had different friends growing up, and apart from the odd hellos and how are you, we never really said more than a few sentences to each other every time we did speak, at least not one to one.

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