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Camila's POV

September 7th 2012.

Friday 9:05am.

Miami, Florida.

"Baby, baby, baby oh!" Dinah sings along to some stupid Justin Bieber beside me as we wait for our History class to start.

I try to block her out as much as I can, my head is pounding and the last thing I need is my superhyper best friend singing out of tune right beside me.

I am so glad that it is Friday.

Normally, I don't particular hate school, in fact, I used to kind of love it. But lately it's been nothing but a bore and this first week back has been absolute hell.

And it's all Lauren's fault.

I started the school year with the absolute most sincere intentions to forget about our many flings over the summer, to pretend that it didn't happen and concentrate on my relationship with Shawn. I needed to be the best girlfriend that I could be to him, because he deserves so much better than me, so I needed to make sure that from now on I would be 100 percent faithful and loyal to him.

That didn't even last 24 hours.

I'm so angry with myself for sleeping with Lauren again. I swore it was just a summer fling, that when I ended it that hot humid day in mid-August that I ended it for good.

But now she won't leave me alone.

No, seriously, she keeps appearing in places that I'm already at and I swear it's not just a coincidence. I don't know what kind of game she is playing, but she really needs to stop! What happened in the library the other day was risky enough, but last night she had to nerve to talk to me in The Grill!

The Miami Grill where all my friends hang out, where my boyfriend works, where my parents sometimes go for dinner!

Is she out of her arrogant pig-headed mind?!

God she is so infuriating!

"Morning class." I'm interupted from my anti-Lauren thoughts by Mr Cowell strolling into the classroom already over five minutes late but he doesn't seem to care. "Look, it's Friday, the last day of the first week back and I'm sure you are all just as fed up and bored as I am."

Some of the class snigger and laugh at his attitude while others who haven't been taught by him before look genuinely surprised by it. I however had the pleasure of being taught by him since my freshman year, so I am used to his laidback and straight talking attitude.

"You all know the drill, you have a semester one project to work on and then to present at the end of the year. This year you'll be working in groups of three, these groups will be picked at random from a hat and then they will be non-neagotable, got it?" he says firmly and we all nod our heads in agreement.

I wait with open ears as Mr Cowell starts to walk down the class and stop at the student who is sat in the front row on the far lefthand side. He picks out two folded up pieces of paper and reads out their names, showing who will be in his group.

It continues and Dinah groans beside me as some guy from the basketball team reads out her name as well as some stoner kid who barely even shows up to class.

"Great, that's a big fat F for me!" she scowls and I try to hide my smile at the unluckiness of it all.

However, my own luck wasn't any better.

In fact, it was worse.

"Felix Matherson and Camila-great...Camila Cabello." I frown at the unfamiliar voice but then freeze when I turn to see who Mr Cowell is stood next too.

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