Twenty Six

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Lauren's PoV

February 20th 2013.

Wednesday 12:40pm

Miami, Florida.

"Do you want to fucking tell me what the hell happened to our daughter?!"

I feel my entire body trembling in a mixture of rage and pure fear. This cannot be happening; I can't have a baby somewhere and not know about it.

I can't have a baby with Selena.

Oh my god, what is Camila going to think when she finds out?

As if our situation wasn't bad enough, this bombshell gets dropped on us? This isn't fucking fair and Camila doesn't deserve any of this. I hate myself for the situation that I've put her through, I hate myself for ever getting involved with Selena in the first place.

I feel like the biggest asshole on the planet.

I wait with baited breath as I watch Selena clutch at her hair, her eyes squeezed shut like she is trying desperately to make herself disappear but there is no way in hell that I'm going to give her an out in all of this.

"Answer me Selena!" I roar loudly, seeing her jump slightly at my raised voice. "Where is she?!"

She looks at me with wide eyes and I watch as her face expression changes to one of pure desperation and fear.

"Shut up, Lauren! Just shut up!" she screams back at me, her fingers tightly clutching her hair.

"No! Not until you tell me the fucking truth!" I stride towards her and pick up the envelope before shoving it against her chest, forcing her to take a hold of it. "Tell me!" she ignores me and I swear that a growl escapes my lips as I try my best not to lash out violently. "God," I run my hand through my hair as a thought crosses my mind. "When you left town it wasn't because of the sex tape scandal was it?" I ask and watch as she doesn't react to any of the words leaving my mouth. "It was because you went to go have your fucking baby! Our fucking baby!" I shout furiously. "Where is she huh? Because I sure as hell haven't seen you walking around Wal-Mart with a baby cart!"

I feel my breathing quicken as I wait for an explanation, for some answers but they don't come.

"God damn it Selena, ANSWER ME!" I slam my fist down on the desk beside me and watch as Selena groans loudly in frustration and takes a step back.

"Just shut up, Lauren! SHUT UP!" She screams at me frantically and I watch her in disbelief as she swings around so her back is too me but I immediately grab her shoulder and swing her roughly back around to face me.

"Just start telling me the damn truth for once in your sad pathetic life!" I grip onto her shoulders tightly.

"IT'S NOT YOURS OK!" she cries back at me, her entire body shaking.

For a second my entire body deflates with what can only be described as pure relief.

But then I'm reminded of something.

This is Selena Gomez and I should know better.

I feel my shoulders tense as the next words leave my mouth. "I saw the date you gave birth, Selena, and I may have failed Math but I'm not a total fucking moron and I can sure as hell work back 9 months or so from that date to realize it was around the time we were still sleeping together!"

She looks down and shakes her head before looking back up at me and I'm a little shocked to see tears in her eyes.

"It's not yours." She repeats firmly. "Trust me, I fucking checked." She mutters bitterly. "It wasn't hard to steal a sample of your DNA when you were passed out drunk in my bed beside me at least once a week." She looks at me coldly. "It's not yours." she repeats.

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