Twenty One

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Lauren's PoV

January 13th 2013.

Sunday 8:57am.

Miami, Florida.

"Shoot, I can't find my shoes!" I watch amused as Camila scrambles around my room frantically all the while trying to get dressed while her clothes are literally scattered around my bedroom. "Lauren! Help me find my shoes!"

I chuckle but don't move, perfectly content to continue to lie here while Camila rushes around in a frenzy. Call it payback for waking me up at such a ridiculous hour for a Sunday morning.

"It's not funny!" she scolds me but I can tell that she is trying to fight a smile. "I'm supposed to meet my Mom at the salon in exactly..." she looks down at her watch and her eyes widen. "Three minutes! Shit!"

"Relax." I raise my arms and link them behind my head, leaning back against the headboard lazily. "Their probably by the door..."

Her eyes widen slightly and off she goes, like a hurricane and I smirk when I hear her shout "Found them!" in the distance and soon she is back in my bedroom but this time fully dressed and I sigh in disappointment.

"Are you sure you have to go to this stupid thing?"

"It's Miss Miami." She rolls her eyes at me because she has told me about this so many times already. "You know I have too." She leans down onto the bed, hovering over me with a smirk. "You should come, see me in my dress."

"I'm sure you'd look beautiful." I comment, my hands gripping her hips and pulling her against me so she is lying flat on top of me, much to her dismay. "But I'd prefer to see you in nothing at all." I wiggle my eyebrows at her teasingly and she rolls her eyes but closes the small gap to press her lips against mine for a breath-taking but all too short kiss.

"Ok, I really gotta go." She tries to get up but I grip her tighter, my fingers digging into her skin to keep her firmly against me. "Laur."

"Nah uh, one more kiss." I smirk and I watch as she tries to hide her smile before leaning down to kiss me. She sighs against my mouth and I use the opportunity to deepen the kiss, my tongue sliding into her mouth naturally and when I feel her body completely relax against my own I use it to my advantage and roll us over so I'm on top.

"No, no, no." she murmurs against my lips in between kisses but I notice the way her fingers slide into my hair. "I really need to go."

"In a minute," I murmur and pull away from her lips to press slow open mouthed kisses to her neck. "I want to leave you a parting gift." I mumble against her neck before grazing my teeth against her skin and biting her, nibbling and sucking in the same spot over and over.

She moans loudly in a mix of pleasure and pain and I kiss the spot before lifting my head up, watching as her eyes slowly flutter open, blissfully in a daze before they widen in realization.

"Ass!" she pushes me off her immediately and I chuckle as I watch her hold her neck while she darts across to the small mirror that I have on my dressing table. "You better not have left a mark!"

"Whoops." I smirk playfully.

"Lolo!" she gasps as she notices the little red mark on her skin, but her eyes are shining and she looks the happiest that she has ever looked since Christmas.

I just wish that it would last.

Camila, dare I say naively, believes that because we haven't heard anything since Christmas day from our camera happy stalker that this could mean the end of it. If anything, this amount of time that is passing is only making me more anxious and nervous because I know that our bubble is going to burst and it's only a matter of time.

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