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Jungkook reached out a hand and ruffled Jimin's hair. "Soon...", he said.

• • •

Jimin slowly opened his eyes. It felt like he'd been asleep forever, his eyelids heavy. He wasn't on a bed, for one. It was some sort of cold, metal table. "Mochi...", he heard to his left. "You were out for quite some time, Mochi...good morning.", Jungkook cooed softly, placing a hand on Jimin's cheek and caressing it lightly.

"Hoseok...", Jimin muttered, despite his throat being unbelievably dry. "Yoongi...Taehyung...", he continued. Jungkook pulled his hand back and put it in his pocket. "Hmmm, how do you know Taehyung?", Jungkook asked. "Oh right, he came over yesterday. You must've heard his name. When you were being...disobedient."

"Who are the other two?", he continued. "My brother...my b-bestfriend...", Jimin began to tear up. "What's wrong? Don't cry, Mochi...", Jungkook pleaded. "My friends...", Jimin sobbed. "What are you crying for?! Don't cry!", Jungkook shouted. Despite his overwhelming urge to comply, Jimin couldn't stop his tears.

It was all a dream? Seeing Hoseok again and going back to his family? None of it happened? It was so hard for him to accept that. He began uncontrollably sobbing, not even able to wipe his tears. His vision was too blurry to notice the look on Jungkook's face. It was one of pity. He looked like he longed to comfort Jimin, but he was holding back for some reason.

Suddenly, Jimin felt the straps on his wrists and ankles loosen. Almost immediately, he was pulled into Jungkook's embrace. He had a large figure and was fairly warm. Jimin felt...comfortable...yet he couldn't stop crying. "It's okay...you're...okay.", Jungkook whispered. "I went too far...I know I always go too far. I swear, it'll never happen again...I'll never go this far again.", he continued.

Jimin tightened his grip on Jungkook's shirt and leaned into his chest. "I'm sorry...", Jungkook said softly. "Let's have breakfast...no waffles this time. I'll make whatever you want.", he continued. "I want waffles...", Jimin muttered. "Really now? Are you sure?", Jungkook asked.

"Yes sir..."

• • •

Jimin sat at the dinner table with his hands folded in front of him. Before this, Jungkook had redressed his wounds and put an "ointment" on them that would supposedly help them heal faster. As he watched Jungkook move around the kitchen, he couldn't help but notice his constant solemn expression, as if he were constantly cursing himself in his head.

"Um...sir?", Jimin spoke up. "Hm?", Jungkook's frown transformed into a smile when he turned to Jimin. "This may seem out of the blue...but you look very sad.", Jimin muttered. "A-And I don't know if I have the right to ask...but are you okay?", he continued. "Sad? No, Jimin I'm fine, really. It's nice that you care...though I am a bit upset at myself for putting you through that treatment.", Jungkook smiled.

It was a gloomy smile, just like his entire demeanor since they left the basement. "Waffles are done!", he announced. He took them out of the toaster and put them on a plate. "Whipped cream or syrup?", he asked. "I'm indecisive...sorry, sir.", Jimin muttered. "Hmmm...then both!", Jungkook chirped. He nearly drowned the waffles in syrup and then put a shitload of whipped cream on top of them.

Now, some people would think "wtf I'm not eating that", but to Jimin, it was the tastiest thing he had ever laid eyes on. Jungkook cut a peice of the waffle off and made sure there was tons of whipped cream on it. "Open up, Jimin.", he smiled. Jimin opened his mouth, despite being extremely flustered.

When the waffle was almost in his mouth, he was reminded of what happened the day before. Reflexively, he closed his mouth and sank back into the chair. Jungkook looked at him and tilted his head, "You don't want them?". "N-No sir, that's not it! I was just...", Jimin tried to explain himself. "What?", Jungkook was still confused until he thought a little harder. "Oh...oh, Mochi I'm sorry...", he said. "No, it's okay sir. I'll eat them, I just...need a moment."

"No, you don't have to.", Jungkook muttered. "What?", Jimin gasped, surprised at how calm Jungkook was. "I have work today, are you gonna be okay by yourself?", Jungkook asked, disregarding he shock that Jimin was in. "I'll be fine, sir.", Jimin responded. "Oh, and also...", Jungkook continued. "Enough of the "sir" thing...just call me Jungkook. Or Kookie...Kookie would be nice."



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A/N: 😮😮😮😮😮

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