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The night I met Jimin was a strange one. I was out with a couple colleagues from work and they brought me to a bar.

All of them were around my age, so they tried to get me interested in what they were interested in: girls. It's not that I hated girls, but they just didn't do it for me, y'know?

Anyway, they started to flirt with any woman they could find while I just sat at the bar. Yes, some women did approach me, but I brushed them off every time. Basically, it was boring as hell.

I got drunk...like, wasted actually, and I stumbled out of the bar. I threw up a couple of times before trying to make my way home. I didn't want to be at that bar any longer than I had to.

As I made my way to my car, I heard a timid voice ask me "Are you okay?". It was the sweetest sound I'd ever heard. I wanted to hear it again and again, so I didn't respond. If I didn't respond, he'd keep talking, right? "Sir, are you okay? Do you need help?", he kept talking.

Ah...I'll never forget the first time I heard his voice. Though it was the best sound I had ever heard, I didn't stop walking (well, I was actually trying to walk).

He came up to me. I was about to fall over and then he caught me. He tired to pull me up and stop me from falling completely, but it didn't work. I fell completely, pulling him down with me.

I hit my head pretty hard against the sidewalk, but I managed to open my eyes. He was on top of me, trying to wake me up. "Is this your car?", he asked.

I think I responded with a groan but either way, he knew I meant "yes". He asked if he could drive me home.

Now, me being wasted, said "fuck it" (figuratively of course) and I let him drive me home. I told him my address and gave him my car keys. He put me in the passenger seat and he drove me home, like he said he would.

He took me from the car and carried me to the front door. "Where's the key?", he asked. In my best "I'm totally not drunk" voice, I said "It's under the flower pot.".

This kid carried me all the way up to my room and put me on my bed. I was laying down on my back, but that was dangerous. I remember in highschool, our teacher said that if someone is drunk and they're laying down, they can choke and die if they throw up.

...I later found out that he did that on purpose.

I woke up with a headache. I could hear a voice next to me. As I woke up more, I could hear words. "Shit, he didn't even throw up...".

I thought "Oh, it's that nice voice..." and then I was like "OH SHIT, IT'S THAT NICE VOICE.". Why did he want me to throw up? Did he want me to die?

"I guess I'll have to to this the hard way.", he said. I opened my eyes a little and saw him walk away and return with a knife. As soon as I saw that, I sprang up in my bed and grabbed his wrist. The knife cut my hand a little, but it fell to the ground.

He stood there, his eyes wide open, lost for words. He glared at me like I did something wrong. At that moment I saw his face clearly.

...he was cute...really cute.

He looked like one of those rice cakes that I used to eat a lot. It was called Mochi, but that's besides the point.

He basically planned to kill me and live in my house...

S P O I L E D ▪Jikook▪حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن