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It's been a few months since I last saw Jungkook. How have I been doing? I'm fine, I guess. It doesn't seem like I should miss him, but I do. I miss that sparratic behavior of his.

The unpredictability of his mood gave me chills that I loved, though I'd never admit it. Yoongi continuously tried to get me to talk about Jungkook, to which I always avoided the topic. He even went so far as to bring him up at dinner with my father.

"Jimin, you got a girlfriend?", My dad asked, excited. "Well, something like that...", I laughed, not sure what to tell him. "Yeah, in the time that he ran away, he found his other half. Isn't that great?", Yoongi asked, sarcastically. He put on a fake smile towards my father, but frowned when he looked back at me.

Yoongi's mother wasn't at the dinner table with us, in fact, I'm surprised she was even in the house. Yoongi's mother despised me, but she loved my father. She loved him to the point where she married him of course, despite hating me, his son. Yoongi told me that when I ran away, her mood worsened.

She became slightly harsh towards Yoongi, speaking sarcastically most of the time. She even raised her hand at him once, threatening to hit him. Yoongi also told me that whenever my father was around, she was calmer than usual. Like she was put under a spell. My father isn't rich or anything like that, so I know she's not just a gold digger. I guess she genuinely loved him.

It's been a few days since I was discharged from the hospital and I'm supposed to go back to school in technically a couple hours. It was almost 10 o'clock at night. I sat on my bed, playing Superstar SM on my phone. "Can I come in?", Yoongi asked softly, knocking on my door. "Yeah, sure!", I agreed.

He sat on my bed next to me and leaned over my shoulder, looking at my phone. "Are you playing a game?", he asked. "Well, not anymore. Did you need something?", I asked, turning my phone off and putting it in my pocket.

"Well, you start school in the morning...and I just wanted to tell you to be safe.", he said sternly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I let out a small laugh. "I'm not twelve. I can handle myself just fine.". "I mean it, Jimin. Don't take any shortcuts, don't go to any stores, don't follow stray cats; none of that. Okay?", Yoongi scolded. "You sound like my dad.", I laughed.

"Haha, yeah I kinda do...". We sat in silence for a bit. "I know you're not going to tell me anything, but it's worth the shot...", Yoongi finally said, breaking the silence. "Here we go.", I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I'm sorry but I really need to know. Is there anything that happened between you and Jungkook that I don't know about?", he asked.

"Like I told you many times before, you know everything.", I sighed. "Jimin, you know how much I care about you and your safety, right?", Yoongi asked. "Yeah...I know...", I mumbled. "Then please tell me...".

I shook my head and said "You know everything. There's nothing else that happened.", I said again. "Then what about...what about at the hospital?", Yoongi stuttered. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "You told Jungkook that you didn't say anything, so that means that there's more that I don't know about.". Yoongi's tone shifted from caring and worried to angry and demanding.

I didn't know what to say. I can't believe he remembered what I said at the hospital. "I'll tell you eventually...just not now.", I yawned, getting under my blankets. "Exactly how long do I have to wait?", Yoongi asked, walking to my door. "Give me time.", I teased, waving goodbye to him. He turned off my lights and we said goodnight to each other. As soon as Yoongi left my room, I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning excited. I guess it's because I was finally going back to school and I get to see my friends again. I jumped out of bed and got ready immediately. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my uniform. Looking in the mirror and seeing myself brought back so many memories.

It was only about five months ago when I ran away, but it feels like it's been years. When I ran away, it was autumn. Now, it's early spring. I definitely missed a lot. "Jimin! Come and eat breakfast before you're late!", my dad called from downstairs.

"Okay!", I shouted back. I ran down the stairs, almost tripping and falling. "Woah, careful.", Yoongi shouted from the kitchen. When I almost fell, it reminded me of the time when I fell down the stairs when I was still with Jungkook. "Jungkook...", I muttered, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a plate.

"What about Jungkook?", Yoongi asked, waving a hand in front of my face. "Oh, um...nothing.", I laughed nervously. "I'm not even surprised...", Yoongi sighed. We all ate breakfast together, well, without Yoongi's mother. She slept in this morning.

"We're leaving!", Yoongi announced. "Be safe, you two.", my dad said, waving goodbye. "What was that about Jungkook earlier?", Yoongi asked, getting into the driver's side of the car. I stayed quiet and got into the passenger side. "At least I tried...", Yoongi said starting the car.


Sorry for the boring chapter lol, it's a filler.

Imma be honest, shit's about to get dark and disturbing from here so either you can stop reading the story and think of this as the ending, or keep reading and get traumatized ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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