Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets (Redone)

Start from the beginning

Finn stared at Miss Adler's picture in the choir room, realizing it was his first true day as a teacher. Every time before this Mr. Schue had been there to help him out. This was the day he was on his own and he couldn't feel more nervous. He took a deep breath as the bell rang, ready to take on his first task. "Okay, guys, sit down. We got a lot of work to do today," Finn said as the students didn't seem to listen to him "No, seriously, come on, I mean it, sit down." Finally all the New Directions took their seats. "Okay, so the first order of business today is to welcome the newest members to the glee club Ryder and Kitty," Finn smiled as the club clapped for Ryder and Kitty. "Wait, don't we all get to vote on her or something?" Tina asked raising her hand annoyed. "Well, Tina, Kitty was fantastic in Grease," Finn smiled. "In spite of my god-awful part," Kitty smirked. "Besides, we're under the gun. We have to go to Sectionals next week and we need 12 members to compete," Finn said honestly as Tina rolled her eyes annoyed. "Don't we have 12 with Ryder joining?" Marley asked trying to be helpful as Finn frowned. "Guys, come on we need to come together as a team! The more members we have, the better," Finn said as the New Directions looked unsure about Kitty being a part of the club. "Uh, look, where was I?" Finn said scratching his head as the New Directions looked at him skeptically "Sectionals, yes." Finn then got up to go to the board "Here's the game plan," Finn opened the marker which then promptly broke as he frowned "Broke the marker." Finn then frantically looked around for another marker "Where does Mr. Schue keep the other markers?" The New Directions looked at each other once again thinking Finn replacing Mr. Schue was a mistake. "Uh Screw it. Uh The theme is "Foreigner." We're gonna sing songs by Foreigner in foreign languages, wearing all the costumes of the world's nations," Finn grinned as the New Directions once again exchanged unsure looks. "Wait, seriously, that's your idea?" Artie asked in disbelief. "Yeah," Finn beamed. "Kiki, what do you think?" Brittany asked her phone as she pressed a button. "I think I'm alive and you're the machine," Kiki, the voice from her phone said as Brittany grinned. "Finn, times have changed. We're national champions now, which means we have to exceed all expectations, so if that's your best idea, I don't think we stand a chance," Blaine said honestly as he got up as Finn looked confused. "Wait, where are you going?" Finn asked. "Back where I belong. Dalton Academy," Blaine said as the New Directions and Finn looked horrified. "I tried to stick it out here, I did but, I don't want to be sidelined my senior year and if we can't find a way to come together, that's exactly what's going to happen," Blaine said simply as he walked out of the choir room as everyone exchanged nervous glances, realizing that without Blaine, the New Directions chances just got slimmer and slimmer.

Finn walked out of the choir room feeling defeated as Coach Beiste approached him. "So, what's bugging you, kiddo? You seem blue," Beiste asked concerned as Finn sighed as they walked to the teachers lounge together. "It was my first lesson in Glee Club today, and it was a total disaster," Finn frowned. "What happened?" Coach Beiste asked. "I don't know. I mean, the lesson that I planned was awesome. I think it's just that the the glee club doesn't see me as an adult," Finn sighed as Coach Beiste nodded understandingly as Finn took a sip of coffee and made a face. "God, is that what coffee taste like? How do people drink that?" Finn cringed as Coach Beiste chuckled. "On top of that, Blaine's thinking of transferring back to Dalton and that could really kill our chances," Finn frowned. "Well pumpkin, I don't know what to tell you to make things any better other than if you really want the club to succeed, you've got to fight for it," Coach Beiste said as that caught Finn's attention "If you really want Blaine to stay, give him a reason to and you could really be the hero of the team." That seemed to give Finn an idea as he was incredibly ready to take on the next Glee Club rehearsal.

Cut to Dalton Academy as Blaine is walking the halls. "Well well, the protocol son returns," Sebastian smirked, slightly surprised to see Blaine return. "It's good to see you too Sebastian," Blaine chuckled a bit. "So how have you been buddy? I haven't seen you around the chat rooms much," Sebastian said as Blaine sighed. "Kurt and I broke up," Blaine said solemnly as Sebastian tried to contain his excitement. "Sorry to hear that," Sebastian said trying to seem sympathetic. "No you're not," Blaine said pointedly. "Okay, so I'm not. But can I help it? All I wanted was a chance with you," Sebastian said as Blaine shook his head. "I'm sorry but I'm still not interested. Kurt and I may have broke up, but I know he's my soulmate," Blaine said. "So much so that you cheated on him?" Sebastian said as Blaine's eyes grew wide. "How did you..." Blaine began. "Word travels fast in the Lima gay community, trust me," Sebastian shrugged as they arrived at Warbler practice. "Blaine! It's good to see you," the Warblers grinned all greeting Blaine. "Hey guys," Blaine smiled. "Well well, if it isn't Blaine Anderson in the flesh," a Warbler Blaine had never seen before said. "I'm sorry but who are you?" Blaine asked confused. "Hunter Clarington. I'm the new captain of the Warblers," Hunter said introducing himself as Blaine looked at Sebastian. "Wait...I thought you were captain of the Warblers," Blaine said confused. "He was. Until Dalton recruited me from Colorado Springs," Hunter smirked "I lead my military school to a Regionals victory with presidential honors." "Wow...that's..." Blaine began. "Incredible? I know," Hunter said all too confidently as Blaine shook his head, could this guy quite possibly be worse than Sebastian.

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