He has always been sweet to me though, he's never been mean to me, he's always been kind and he is a good guy.

"Ah, that stage huh? Don't worry, he'll get over it." he tells me with a reassuring tone. "And if he doesn't? Well he's an idiot." he smiles and I let out a small laugh.

"I don't know, he'll be doing himself a favor."

"Oh come on! Don't be like that." he smiles almost softly at me. "He'll be losing out if he lets you go as a friend."

I blink surprised by his words before composing myself and turning to my locker. "I am amazing." I joke and he chuckles before it falls into a small smile.

"You are." he says softly and I freeze, my eyes glued to a random textbook inside my locker.

"Yo Niall!" Thank God. "You comin or what? Coach is gunna kick your ass if you're late for practice again!" some guy from the football team shouts from down the hall.

I slowly turn my head to face him and watch as he sighs before shouting back that he's coming. "So...I guess I'll see you tonight?" he asks with a small smile and I slowly nod my head.

"Sure." I force a smile and watch as he lingers for a moment before turning to leave to follow his friends.

I sigh and slam my locker shut before hitting my head slowly against it.


The hole just keeps on getting deeper.


Lauren's POV

"Here." I throw the envelope onto the table in Vaughn's kitchen, not even caring what is inside it. To be honest, I can't wait to get out of here, I know Brie is lurking around somewhere and I do not want to have to face her right now.

"Charming as always young Jauregui." Vaughn chuckles at me as he opens up the envelope before passing it along to one of his friends who then takes it into another room.

I sigh and wait patiently as he pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket before counting it and handing it over to me. I take it and recount, not missing the way he rolls his eyes.

"It's all there kid."

"Always gotta be careful." I murmur disinterested before sliding the notes into my pocket and turning to leave.

"Hey Lauren!" he calls after me and I stop before slowly turning around. "I have a proposition for you laddy." he broad Scottish accent comes into play.

I frown at him and he chuckles before standing up and walking around the table so we are standing face to face.

"I've heard about Zach's...let's say cash flow...problem that he's having right now."

"Zach is doing just fine." I hit back immediately but he just laughs and lights up a cigarette.

"Alright, alright. Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to do a couple jobs for me, I'll pay you of course."

"You want me to work for you?" I ask with a scoff. "No thanks."

"Oh come on!" He laughs. "I pay well, just ask your buddy Zayn if you don't believe me."

I freeze and look at him confused. "Zayn works for you?"

"Oh you didn't know?" he asks amused. "He just does the odd job here and there, you know? I think he appreciates the extra cash in his pocket, wouldn't you?"

"Nah I'm good." There are several other things I would rather do than work for this asshole.

"Fine, fine." he holds his hands up. "But I'll leave the offer open for when you change your mind, because you will." he smirks at me and I roll my eyes before turning and walking out.

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