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Author: @EveeCooper

Reviewer: @plainreyne

I read the first two chapters which were published till date, and my review will solely be based on what I read so far.

Cover and Title: The book cover is pretty good and minimal. The dark hues represent the bold themes of the book, so that's good.
I didn't understand the title's correlation to the book as it's to early on to judge. But I'm guessing it's something related to the future romance between the protagonists. 

Plot settings: The story headfirsts in Lucas, the male protagonist's, point of view. And I think there will be a change in point of view from Lucas to Naeva, the female protagonist. 

The first chapter starts with Lucas introducing his artistic life, and then continues with the encounter of Lucas and Naeva.
Throughout the two chapters, the plots are well thought out and voiced nicely.

Characters: Lucas is the artistic type of guy, who is pursuing his dream through paint brushes and easels. He's kind of soft and has that boyishness to him, which really feels nice to read once in a while.

Naeva is the bold femme fatale kind, with the tattoos and dark exterior. She's pure rebel on the outside as seems, and I like that she's not the typical damsel in distress wattpad girl. 

Themes: Thus far, the themes seem to be; love, transitional characters, and the display of soft and bold through the characters.

Writing: The writing was pretty one point. Though it's the first book written by the author. It could've fooled me, as the narration is so beautifully written and there's no grammatical errors or typos even.

Personal thoughts: I definitely recommend this book, though it has only few chapters at the moment. It is beautifully written with unique characters.

Allover: I like what I read so far and would give it a 4 out of 5.

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