113: Having Fun is the Only Part that Matters

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Adi had never thought of herself as being good at video games. It wasn't that she was bad at any kind of games, or that they required skills she didn't have. Just that for most of her life she'd never really been interested in them. Her friends hadn't been into games either, as far as she knew, and there'd never been anybody to recommend she play something. Now she was trying, because the latest competition with Harry had got Toni interested, and it was one more excuse to spend a little time together. And she was starting to be proud of how good she was.

This particular game involved matching up brightly-coloured teddy bears in order to collect all the berries on the screen, and it was really fun. She knew that in the last week or so, she'd started to see games as a kind of logic puzzle, working out what the important elements were in each game and trying to see the kinds of patterns that she needed to make to win. There was usually an element of reflexes as well, that she really wasn't any good with. But as she played any game, she could start to form strategies, and to think about the best ways to win.

Not today.

The teddies were cute, and they moved around the screen as she pressed the buttons. She could make them pick up berries, and they were super cute. They were different colours, as well. When the screen flashed and balloons came up from the bottom, she cheered proudly. She knew she was doing good, and she felt super proud when Mommy ruffled her hair and told her how well she was doing to clear that puzzle. But she started to realise as they got more than a few minutes into the new game that she wasn't planning at all. She wasn't thinking ahead, she was just going for the brightest colours, and she was just as surprised when it worked or when it didn't. The flashing colours on the screen, and the cheerfully bouncy piano music, were the exciting part of the game for her. It didn't matter who won, because she could hardly tell the difference. And somehow Mommy seemed to find this really funny. Adelaide didn't know why it was funny, and she didn't really care. As long as the bears got fed, and Mommy was having fun, then there was nothing more fun in the world.

After a few levels more, she was really getting into the swing of this game. She wasn't sure if she was winning, but that didn't matter. It was all about having fun, and she knew that really well. She bounced excitedly in her seat, and then leaned forward a little to get more comfortable.

A little smile flashed across her face, and then her eyes widened in surprise as she realised that she was wetting her diaper. Nobody had said her name, she hadn't known that she needed to go. It just happened, without any warning at all. She breathed in sharply, and that was just enough to get Mommy's attention.

"Is something wrong, baby?"

"Uh-uh," Adelaide shook her head, but she was blushing so much she must look like one of the cherries currently dancing across the screen. She was feeling something that wasn't quite familiar, and it took a few seconds to realise it. It was embarrassment, knowing that she really couldn't help herself and she didn't even know. That was something else she'd wanted to say when they were doing all the grown-up thinking earlier; slightly changing the rules that stopped her being embarrassed. She wasn't sure if she liked that feeling or not, but somehow it was a little exciting to notice the things she couldn't control.

"Really? Nothing at all?"

Adi started to shake her head, and hesitated. She didn't know if she was supposed to say something or not. Mommy would have to change her diaper, that much was obvious. But she was just a little bit too embarrassed to say anything right now. It was the first time in several years that she'd had an accident without anyone making her, and she couldn't quite bring herself to say. It didn't matter anyway, she told herself. Mommy would know what to do. Mommy would make sure she was comfortable, whatever happened.

In this case Toni lifted up the lacy folds of Adelaide's skirt, and gently placed a hand on the front of her diaper. She could feel the hot pee pressing against her skin as it soaked into the padding, but Adelaide was still too embarrassed to say anything.

"Oh, it feels like my little baby made tinkles in her diaper," Toni giggled, in a voice that made Adelaide wish she could shrink up and disappear. She was more embarrassed than she'd ever been before, but somehow it was all still a game. Her helplessness was exciting, and even as she blushed crimson she wouldn't have traded this moment for the world.

"Change?" she asked, all the witty comments she'd thought of beforehand evaporating in an instant. The moment she realised what a baby she was, it was like her brain decided to run with it. She couldn't even put proper words together, she couldn't think big words. But it was all okay. Mommy would look after her, she was just a baby, and she was having the time of her life.

"You want a change? I think your diaper can hold a lot more. You don't need a change every time, do you? And I'm sure you're going to need it a few more times before the night ends."


"Is that okay, baby? Can you wait a little for a diaper change? And maybe you can try to hold it a little this time?"

"Yeah!" Adelaide cheered, and turned back to the screen with all the teddies on it. She knew she wasn't thinking so much, but she knew it didn't matter. All that mattered now was that Mommy was looking after her, and she had a game to enjoy.

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