The Battle of Moonlight Arrow - part six

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(Next chapter in a week or so, enjoy!)

Jeff's point of view

Slowly, slowly, the creature bowed down to Kiamero. From then on, I knew the tables had turned yet again. We were no longer sure to make it out at all, with or without Slender. Especially since we were all still recovering from the previous fight against Zalgo. My whole body ached and the cuts in my flesh were still bleeding, the burns on my skin still stinging.

Suddenly, I felt a strong gast of wind whiz past my right side. My eyes widened and time seemed to freeze as I turned to look slightly behind me.

Jane had been taken out.

Her body lay on the ground, detached from its head, bathing in a pool of crimson blood. My mouth opened to scream her name but a flash of pitch black and purple caught my eye on the other side and I barely had time to lift my knife up to block the strike.

My converse skidded back a meter across the floor, a high screeching noise coming from my blade against Moonlight Arrow's claws. I struggled to keep it back as it opened it's mouth, letting out a waterfall of blood and bits of flesh from Jane's neck. The bastard had ripped her to shreds with his teeth. The nauseating scent of blood hit my nostrils as for once in my life I remained sane whilst seeing the usually beautiful liquid. Now it just made me feel sick.

With an inhumane effort, I shoved it off of me and regained my cool, ignoring the fact that the sole of my shoe was in the puddle of Jane's blood. Already, Smile had pounced on the creature, planting his fangs in its black shoulder. The creature struggled, screaming out as it tried to shake the dog off itself. I rushed to my brother's aid, yelling out as I aimed at Moonlight Arrow's guts. But an arm suddenly slashed defensively across the creature's stomach, blocking out my attack and sending me flying a good three meters back.

I landed on my back, hitting the ground hard and smacking the back of my head on the concrete. Tasting blood at the back of my throat, I winced in pain and brought a hand to my hair. When I brought it back in front of me, there was warm blood all over it. I should be more careful, my brain is my only weak spot and it must not suffer any damage or be disconnected from the rest of my

Soon enough, a pair of strong arms brought me back to my feet. I looked up to see Bloody Painter who looked at me with an emotion I could not distinguish clouding his eyes. He didn't say anything. He didn't have time to.

One moment he was there and the other he had been taken out too.

His body wasn't as mangled as Jane's although it still was in very bad shape. A large gash in his neck left blood oozing out of his motionless form, his eyes still wide from surprise. His mouth was twisted in a frozen scream.

"HELEN!!" I bellowed.

He didn't answer.

I turned back to the monster who now had blood on its claws as well. One quick observation brought me to the conclusion that Smile had been unsuccessful in keeping on its back. "You bastard!" I yelled as I charged at the creature with my knife brandished high and revenge carved in my mind like the beastly cry of bloodlust. I pounced on Moonlight Arrow, planting my blade deep in its wing. It cried out in pain, making the room vibrate. The other wing came crashing into me, forcing me to let go of the knife that was still in the monster's dark feathers and making me smash into the nearest wall. I coughed violently and gagged on the blood I was struggling to keep back in my throat.

I gathered the blood and saliva in my mouth and spat it out top the side. I tried to get up but my muscles failed me and I fell back down, slumping on the cold wall. The last thing I saw was the beast turning to me with those terrifying abyssal orbs, hissing, and Hoodie's back as he put himself between us to protect me. Then everything went black.

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