Incorruptible Bodies

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(A/N guys thank you so so much for the lovely comments and 100 likes but even more for 1000 readers!! This is literally a childhood dream come true so thank you all so much for all the support and everything. And if you're reading this then obviously you liked this story enough to read it this far so thanks for that too. If you don't like it then I don't even know why you're this far into the story but you know, oh well. Anyway enjoy!!)

Your point of view

I was woken up, surprisingly enough, not by the general chaos outside the door but by Ame, inside my head.


"-Yes Ame?"

'Oh hi, you're awake.'

"Thanks to you. Now what is it?"

'I was wondering if you could do me a favour.'


'I'd like to be able to get my body back.'

"...And how would I do that?"

'I was looking through Slender's mind as he was flipping through his books. It just happened to be that-'

"-Wait you can look through people's minds?"

'...Well yeah, even though I'm stuck in your mind, I can still muster enough power to roam into others' for a little. Although it does tire me out. Either way as I was saying, Slender just happened to be looking in a book of spells. He read a page about soul and mind transferation into a host body. So I thought maybe we could try it out and get me my body back. I already know it'll work, as I was in Slender's mind I flicked through his memories and saw him performing the ritual on some lab rats. The only problem would be finding a host body sturdy enough to contain my power. No mere mortal could do that.'

I 'hmm'ed and thought about the offer. I'd get to know what Ame looks like if I did, I always wondered what appearance he would have. And that'd be great, if he could have his own body again then he would be able to remember more of his past. Yeah, I'd better help him, it's the least I could do after everything he did for me. The I was suddenly enlightened.

"Hey, what if we try and get your old body back? Surely it would be able to hold you again, right?"

'Yeah... if only there was a body left. The last thing I remember is falling and landing harshly on the ground, waking up in your head. So I guess it happened when you fell from heaven. There was never any body discovered near the place you fell so I suppose we merged completely, body and all. Therefore I doubt there is anything left of my body.'

Smash, there goes my brilliant idea, broken into millions of shards and blown out the window. Woosh...goodbye enlightenment, I'll miss you.

'Could you help me search though? There's a chance we could find a mortal strong enough to hold my power in.'

"There is?"

'Yeah, some humans are much more sturdy than others. They posses bodies that were reinforced by the wall they put up around their minds and hearts to protect them because of the harsh times they went through. The barrier around their mental state strengthen their physical state too so they can easily be turned into creepypastas or be used as host bodies. We call them incorruptible bodies. So basically we just have to find all the emotionless kids. You follow?'

I hesitated a little, "I get what you mean but...the blood moon is merely a week away, I should be training. Couldn't we do this after we get Masky back?"

'If we do this now, you'll have an extra person to help you. Plus finding a reasonable body will take some time and it'll technically count as training, right?'

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