Part Three - The Kingdom of Hearts

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(Next update on Thursday or Friday I apologize for the long wait but I thought you guys would rather have a long and good quality chapter to read when it's late that a short and terrible one that's on time. Plus I accidentally deleted half the chapter which made me rewrite it ten times better. Anyway enjoy.)

My eyes widened in shock as soon as my eyes fell on the man on the other side of the door, sat comfortably on an imposing golden throne. Many butlers and maids stood motionless behind him, empty gazes staring at where we were but not at us, like they couldn't see us at all. Their emotionless faces and grey-ish skin gave them the appearance of corpses more than anything else, dismal dolls ready to dance from the end of their invisible puppet strings. However, it wasn't them that sent all danger alarms in my head go off, it was their master, their puppeteer.

A heavy red cape with white edges draped over his shoulders and a golden crown with encrusted jewels laying on his raven locks, he smirked that infamous smirk of his at me. Sharp teeth peeked over the edge of his thin pale lips, revealing his inhumane nature. Somehow he seemed ever more terrifying than I remembered, the dark aura that was seen only to aura twins seemed thicker and more threatening that before. It sent shivers down my spine just to imagine what he was capable of.

The man seemed to notice how uncomfortable I felt and appeared rather irritated by it, a frown appearing on his fair yet frightening features. His icy blue eyes glared at me, almost paling in colour and turning steel hard. However the thing that concerned me was that there was no emotion in those eyes at all, they almost seemed like a corps'. It was like he was glaring not at me but through me, at something deep within. And that just made me even more uncomfortable with the being. I was snapped out of my frozen state by his icy voice ringing out clearly in the room, authority so evident that it made everyone present shrink back in fearful respect.

"What? Is there something wrong, Alice?"

I bit back the remark that Alice wasn't my name and forced myself to shake my head and smile politely at the demon despite every fibre of my being screaming at me to run away from the man. Although I knew that he wasn't who I though because we were in some parallel world or something, my animal instincts told me he was dangerous despite that. When I spoke out to him, I made sure to make my voice as even and unwavering as possible whilst picking my words carefully; we're walking on thin ice here, one wrong move and it could be the end.

"No, your majesty. I merely mistook you for someone else for a minute. Please forgive my rudeness."

The man seemed to calm down a little, his facial expression relaxing as he slumped back in his throne and crossed one leg over the other. Yet he still pushed the matter more, making me involuntarily clench my teeth in fear that he would be displeased with what was to come next.

"Who did you mistake me for, Alice dearest?" he asked, cocking his head to the side as he observed me, taking in every tiny movement I made, from my chest rising and lowering gently from my shaky breathing to the slight twitches of my fingertips. The last word he spoke shook me to the core. Despite the nice words, there was such a threatening poison hidden beneath that it sent sparks of dread through my chest and arms, rooting me in place. His obviously fake smile never reached his eyes, leaving them full of irritation and frustration. In fear of making his patience run out, I immediately answered him.

"A mere demon, your highness. I encountered him not long ago and he is known by the name of Kiamero. Perhaps you have heard of him?" I inquired, thanking the sky that the words didn't catch in my throat. Although I tried my best to display a passive expression, I was in fact very curious about the subject. Kiamero is infamous in all lands I have ever encountered, no matter the dimension. After all, he was the most powerful demon that existed, surpassing both Slender and Zalgo in power combined. Hell, even humans knew of him, he was everywhere in old myths and legends, the chaos and mysteries he left behind being the root of all superstitions about apocalypses. It's not everyday you meet someone capable of eradicating a whole country effortlessly in merely one night, leaving behind no clues or information as to what had happened. In fact, I only know of it because of the tales that were passed around through our family, Slender knowing what had truly happened to Atlantis so many years ago. And if the people here knew of Kiamero's whereabouts, it may not only give me a lead as to how to get home but also let me have the talk with the demon that was long time we had. About his son and my so said usefulness to them.

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