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Your point of view

Where am I? Everything's so dark around me, I can't see a thing. My ears...I feel like they have water inside them. Wait...this smell...what is it?

It smells so sweet, so familiar yet so...different. What is it? I'm practically drooling, it smells so attracting. There's a light...it's getting closer, the smell is getting stronger...I want it...I. Want. IT!

I jolted up in bed, confused as to what happened. Where am I? ...Not this again! I know where I am, I'm at home, in my room. The same place I've woken up in for over a month now, I should be used to it.

I glanced at the small clock Natalie had given me and grunted when I realised how early it was before laying back down and throwing the covers back over my face.

I was just drifting back to sleep when I heard loud pounding outside my door, in the corridor. Sally and Lazari were giggling and Smile barked and laughed loudly. I frowned and shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the noisy trio to go away. When they did, I sighed of relief and relaxed a bit, drifting back into the land of dreams.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N). It's me, look at me."

This voice, who is it? I've heard it before.

"You don't have much time left, I'll come soon...soon, (Y-"

BEN laughed loudly and ran down the hall, his feet banging on the ground so loudly that the whole place shook and the clock on my bedside table fell on the floor, clanking irritatingly on my wooden floorboards and skidding all the way to the other end of the room. Just when I thought I was in peace, I heard Jeff running after BEN, making twice as much noise as him. I clanched my fists and shoved the pillow over my ears in an attempt to muffle out the noise of those idiots I have as brothers.

Things finally settled down and I slowly felt myself drifting off into another land again.

"-And they'll suffer. If you don't come soon, I will and I'm sure you don't want that now do you Angel. So make sure you come or I will burn them al-"

Then my alarm went off.

I screamed in frustration and threw my pillow into the wall opposite my bed, kicking my blanket off before diving to the alarm clock and silencing it. The irritating sound abruptly stopped and I chucked the small object on my bed, making my way to the door, so infuriated that my feathers turned razor sharp. I had gotten used to that by now, my wings changing according to my mood that is.

I yanked the door open to reveal Eyeless Jack, one hand up as if he was about to knock, probably to make sure I was alright after all the noise I made. His hand fell to his side as he looked me up and down, shamelessly checking me out, his mouth gawping behind his mask.

"(Y-Y/N)...A-AT LEAST GET DRESSED BEFORE YOU OPEN THE DOOR!!" he shouted, thrown back by the force of his nosebleed that leaked down his neck underneath his mask. I was confused at what he said at first but then realised. A huge blush spread across my cheeks as I looked down at myself. I was only in an oversized translucent white tank top and short skinny black shorts. I mentally screamed and blushed even more before shouting back at him

"W-what the hell you pervert!"

I then slammed the door in his face, taking deep breaths to calm myself.
It's ok (Y/N), it's not like you were naked or anything. It's ok, it's ok...

I made my way to the closet and opened it, looking through the clothes Slender had gotten me. I hesitated a bit before deciding on a black and red Gothic Lolita and black knee length combat boots. 

After I had changed, I went and opened the door again to see an unconscious EJ and a worried Lost Silver at his side, trying to wake him up. When he heard the door open, he turned back to me

My Monster Family (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now