Pressure's on

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Smile dog's point of view

I was sleeping peacefully at Sally's feet as she watched the "glitches"minus BEN playing mario cart when BEN and (Y/N) emerged from the screen, making the whole thing freeze. Dark, Silver, Red, Sonic and BRVR started screaming in surprise and indignation about the unexpected interruption of their game however (Y/N) and BEN didn't even stop to deal with them and just rushed past them to the staircase.

I got to my...paws...and went after them, curious as to what could possibly have excited them so much, Sally following and Dark Link storming in front of us, furious about BEN's lack of explanation as to why he was so eager to go to Slender's office. And so, instead of waiting patiently for them to tell us what was going on like any good group of children would, we eavesdropped on their conversation.

~~~Time skip~~~
(Y/N) opened the door and we all crashed into the room, piled up on top of each other in a huge mass. Jeff was the unlucky one who ended up at the bottom of the pile, crushed by everyone else's weight. I, on the other hand, was lucky enough to be near the top of the pile although I still had Ticci Toby on top of me, his foot painfully crushing my tail. I growled at him and tried to bite his face off but he moved out of the way just before my jaws slammed shut, my fangs snapping a centimetre away from his nose.

Sally's foot flashed in front of my eyes, landing on Silver's back who happened to be underneath me, and she jumped into Angel's arms as she twirled her around.

"Yay, a new big sister!" She giggled.

EJ, who was next to me, got up and brushed himself off before making his way over to (Y/N).

"So, Angel huh? I like it." This made BEN growl slightly but only Grinny cat and I heard him due to our sense of hearing, even better than EJ's. Angel blushed visibly and stuttered a bit.


Then Jack took her in his arms as a "welcome to the family, kid" act and BEN also threw his arms around (Y/N), hugging her from behind.
Toby scrambled to his feet, making my back crack painfully, and jumped into the hug as well, shouting a "H-hey don't miss me out!"

Oh sweet oxygen, I missed you too baby. Who would have thought Toby was so heavy, he's nearly as thin as BEN was when we first found him as a ghost that had been dead for over a month. I got up too and shook my fur in an attempt to ease the pain in my back and sour tail then jumped off the pile, stamping on Silver on the way, and changed into my human form (with my clothes on, you pervs!) in midair.

I landed softly on the polished wooden floor and ran into the hug as well. Soon after, I felt Jane join us too, her arm around my shoulder. One by one, each of my "brothers and sisters" joined and Slender took us all in his long arms. We stayed there for a bit, happy to have each other if nothing else.

We were held together by our similarly painful and dark past, that's what formed our loving understanding of each other. We all had different experiences, rape, murder, being forgotten, bullied, ignored and even drowned by his own father! But we all knew that none of this would happen to us anymore, we had each other now, if nothing else at all. And we'll always stick by each other's sides. Always.

I smiled.

Once Slender has let us go and we had all backed away from the hug, most of us went back to what we were doing before but a few of us stayed to marvel at (Y/N)'s dark angel wings.

"Wow, Angel, I love your wings" said Clockwork.

"Yeah, they're pretty awesome." Jeff added.

"For once we agree on one thing, bleached face." Jane teased. Then Jeff and her, as usual, started quarrelling. Slender got annoyed and shoved us all out his office, slamming the door shut behind us. Jeff and Jane huffed and went into their rooms that just so happened to be opposite each other, ironically.

My Monster Family (Eyeless Jack x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن