Blood Moon

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Your point of view

My eyes opened and my brain processed what was due to happen tonight, bringing a strange calm feeling over me, as well as something else. Excitement? Dread? It's hard to tell, most likely a bit of both. Ame, however, is overflowing with childish anticipation, like a kid looking forwards to seeing a good show. He however covers it up with skill, showing a serious facade.

The room was completely quiet, likewise in the rest of the mansion. The calm before the storm, huh. Never thought I'd take that metaphor literally. I pushed the warm covers off my body, sitting up in bed and turned to my left. Jack wasn't there, most likely already up. Swinging my legs off the edge of the bed one by one, my bare skin met with the cold winter air. Without a word I stood up and made my way to 'Narnia' next door and took out a hoody and black skinny jeans with some combat boots, quickly pulling them on. Then, I walked out of the room without paying mind to my broken door and silently walked to the dining room.

A few others were already there, sat down at the table with impenetrably stoic expressions plastered on their faces. I sat down in between EJ and Jeff, Hoodie in front of me. All the people who turn up at this table will be the ones to go get Masky at the CES. A volunteering system, lasting since ancestral times. No talking is permitted throughout the ritual, you come if wished, sit down, and wait for the places around the table to fill up. And when all of them do except the throne at the end of the table, the master shall appear. To distribute his orders. From that moment, we are bound from the deepest pit of our corrupt souls to do as he says. Lest we be lost in oblivion for all eternity. Why? Because from the moment we became creepypasta, there is no heaven nor hell left for us. Can you imagine that, even hell rejects us.

Little by little, one by one, brothers and sisters joined the table and the seats filled up. Smile sat next to Jeff, Grinny next to him. Then came the 'twins', Red and Silver, as well as the 'look-alike's, BEN and Dark. Next to Hoodie came Jane and Clockwork, Laughing Jack and Toby. Then Liu and Sully, BRVR and Sonic, Helen and Puppet. One last seat was left apart from the throne, a seat that would have been for Masky, Had he been there. But the seat must be claimed or the ritual shall never be complete. when fifteen minutes had passed and still nobody came, slight uneasiness began to fill the room. We looked at each other, worry evident in the alarmed glances we shared around the table. Our time is limited yet until someone shows up, we have to sit here in silence, with no regard to how many minutes pass. However, fortunately, we didn't have to wait much longer than that. Because hesitantly, the person we expected the least to show up, sat down in the last remaining seat at the end of the table.

Hannah and her boyfriend Hoodie glanced at each other, an unknown thought agreed between the two. Once she had taken her seat, we moved our relieved gazes off her end of the table to the opposite one, where our Master and loving father now sat majestically in his imposing throne. His voice rung out across the room, echoing in our heads.

"My dear children, as you are all aware, today is the blood moon. Those who didn't take part in this ritual will be staying behind to guard our home and those who are unable to fight in the battle that awaits us. I won't lie to you, this will be a hard one for we are up against the threat that has lasted the longest towards us creepypasta. Although many human generations have gone past and all those that were there in my time have withered away, their power remains great as much as their undying curiosity and envy directed towards us for the immortality we possess. Yet we shall remain with our heads held high and our pride intact. The main priority of this mission is to get your brother Masky back to safety withing these walls. We shall proceed as follows.

There will be two teams, the first consisting of Puppet, LJ, BRVR, BEN, Dark and Myself. This team will stay in the main hall- and entrance- of the CES's building to fight off the humans there and mainly distract them so that the second team can go on with their duty. (Y/N), EJ, Jeff, Smile, Hoodie, Silver, Red, Helen, Hannah and Toby are that second team. They will sneak around the back door of the building once the alarm has gone off and all the doctors are in the main hall. Then Sonic, who will be with the second team, will quickly make a tour and find how to get to where Masky is held captive, also checking that there are no guards around. He will then go back to get the second team and they will go fetch Masky. If any problems are encountered, Toby, Jeff, silver and Red are to eliminate them. Smile is to sniff out any unexpected company around and Helen is to carry Masky back. The rest are backup if things get ugly.

My Monster Family (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora