The Battle of Moonlight Arrow - part five

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(Next update In a bout a week and a half or so. Enjoy!~)

General point of view

When the light in the room diminished and everyone's view had adjusted back to normal, (Y/N) and EJ had gone. In the bottom cage, was now a completely new being, curled into a ball. It was impossible to clearly see because it was wrapped in black feathers, so dark that it looked like you were looking at the bottom of an endless pit. No-one dared even to breath.

Slowly, the being's feathers began to unwrap from it's form. It now became evident that they were black angel wings that had covered it's form. The creepypastas stiffened, the grips on their weapons tightening as the forbidden being stretched its wings. They had tripled in size, being twice as big as Kiamero's crimson wings. The being had coal black skin, only a few shades lighter than its wings. Its frame seemed fragile and frail, being so skinny you could see it's spine and ribs through the skin. It had no genitalia, sex or gender since it had been made from a male and a female. It had hair that stuck out in spikes and, under closer inspection, was made from thin feathers intertwining with one another. When it looked up, the creepypastas flinched back with a few gasps, Kiamero smirking.

The forbidden being had a Cheshire smile that stretched up to its ears, the teeth twice as sharp as EJ's usually were. And its eyes were two dark abysses, darker even than its wings. In the centre of the eyes were two burning purple hues. The creature hissed, making everyone shudder in fear, even Kiamero felt a shiver run through him.

A long , bony hand was outstretched towards the grid that kept the monster enclosed and, as soon as it made contact with the metal, there was a high pitched fizzing as the bars immediately melted and dissipated into the air, leaving a thick mediocre scent in the room. Jeff covered his nose with his sleeve and Smile gagged, fighting with his stomach to keep back his last meal. A shiver went through the room as the beast began to crawl out of the cage.

Slowly, the being stretched to stand up. A few bones cracked at it straightened its back and wings. The arms of the monster were longs and got larger at the wrists and hands, the fingers reaching like claws to skim the floor as its back was slouched in an odd manner. When the wings settled back to be half folded in a comfortable way, the creature scanned the room with its abyssal hues, freezing the heartbeats of each person they lingered on. They stopped on Ame, a brief flash of recognition running through them.

The silent in the room suddenly got even heavier as all awaited the next events. It almost became harder to breath. All eyes were on Ame and the creature.

When Kiamero spoke, his voice was firm and clear, resonating through the room like a bullet through the air. He spoke in a monotone, making it clear that he did not come up with those words, they were an ancestral ritual. A forbidden one.

"I have created you, I have given you life. And now, as your master, I command you to follow my every wish. Your name," he stated, sealing off their link,

"is Moonlight Arrow."

Hiiii! I'm still alive! have a late update but hey, better late than never. So yeah I was pretty tired from my trip and I didn't have access to a computer for a while so I couldn't work on MMF :( but now I'm back :) however I have exams soon -_- so I'll be revising a bit lot. Next update In a week and half or so? Around that time. Byeee~~~Emanuel

My Monster Family (Eyeless Jack x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن