Halloween Special

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a/n a little reminder, NOTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THIS CHAPTER HAPPENS IN THE MAIN STORY! Anyway enjoy this special, I worked my butt off writing this for you!! Also the picture doesn't belong to me, it belongs to its rightful owner and that is not me. Anyway enjoy (Y/N)

Your point of view

"Knock knock, Helen. Trick or treat."

"One second (Y/N) I'm really busy here. BEN WHERE ARE THOSE CLEAN PAINTBRUSHES I ASKED FOR!?"


I laughed at the general fuss around the mansion. Today is Halloween, the only day we can walk around human towns without having the cops breathing on our necks, and its about three o'clock. Everyone is getting ready to go out trick or treating and I mean EVERYONE. Even the nocturnals are up extra early to get themselves ready. I never thought murderers would be this concerned about a little celebration like Halloween, it's a little ironic to say the truth. To see all my siblings getting ready, from Sally to Jeff, is a sight so heartwarming I decided to join in this year.

Helen was in charge of the makeup and special effects for us all and he was rather taken by that job. Granted, some of us really didn't need any makeup, Laughing Jack, BEN and Jeff for example. Even EJ wouldn't really need any, he only had to take his mask off and it would be enough to send little kids screaming. Well even with his mask on he would probably make the same impression on the young humans. However some of us are nearly what could be classed as 'normal', some could even blend in with humans without a sweat, including Helen and Masky.

Talking of which I even managed to persuade Masky to take his mask off and cosplay as the Cheshire cat with me. I wanted to get Hoodie to do it with us but he refused, even when I tried to bribe him with cheesecake promises, which is what got Masky's will to keep his face hidden to snap in the first place.

Helen's room was being used as a makeup workshop and, long story short, it was a mess that was barely recognised as a bedroom anymore. Not that Helen's room was ever a tidy one to begin with, it was always messy because of his art supplies and paintings and empty canvases lying around the room and taking up a large proportion of it. But now, now it was literally just a mess. The bed had been pushed to the side and a table took up most of the room. There were two stools, one on either side of the table that was covered in face paint, liquid latex and fake whiskers that would be used for my makeup and was being used for Masky's.

Helen was currently finishing Masky's makeup off and the whole Cheshire cat look thing looked amazing. It was so realistic when Grinny first saw him his fur went all static and he hissed at our cheesecake loving brother until he realised it was him from his scent. It was quite the spectacle and everyone was in hysterics, Grinny included.

Helen finished painting the last highlight on the last tooth and rinsed his paintbrush in the glass of now green water. Helen handed Masky a mirror and watched with a look of worry to see whether or not his client was pleased with his new look. Seeing his brother's marvelled look, Helen sighed of relief and relaxed in his wooden stool for just a second before remembering that the afternoon is far from being over. He shooed Masky away and motioned me over to the stool opposite his. On the way there I crossed paths with Masky and stopped to marvel at his 'transformation'. I poked his cheek, saying "poke!" and smiled at him. He barely had time to smile back before Helen told us off:

"Guys move it, I don't have much time!"

"Ok ok, jeez sorry big bro." I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing that he like me calling him big brother. I waved goodbye to Masky and took a seat in the empty stool. I watched with amusement as Helen looked down at his materials and pictures, attempting to sort through them. He's only ever so into something when he's painting something and I love to watch him with such a look of concentration on his usually relaxed features. I have to say, my brother is really handsome. Then again all of my brothers are. It isn't something I notice in a flirty way, no. In fact, I am really proud of my brothers being handsome but it wouldn't matter to me if they weren't. I usually tell myself this: 'Love them for WHO they are instead of hating them for WHAT they are". The 'what' being inhumane killers. But I love them for that too, after all, I am one too.

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