Stupid Jeff

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Your point of view

I was walking to class the next day, keeping my head down and minding my own business as usual when Jack's best friend, Jeff, stopped me. He casually threw aside a stray lock of his raven black hair with a toss of his head that would have any other girl swooning over him; they seem to like the bad boys. However, his reputation of being a bully had made me wary of him and even without that, I didn't trust him in the least. There was something about him that unsettled me. He somehow seemed...unnatural. Out of place. And for some disconcerting reason, no matter the situation, he always smiled. A bit too widely.As if there was a gaping hole in his cheeks which made his expression seem even more artificial than his laugh.

"Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you?"
I repressed a sigh, knowing this was wrong in so many ways. Jeff never bothered talking to anyone who wasn't either in his way or a one of the most popular people at school. And even if he did, he certainly never ASKED to talk to anybody; he just cornered them and then told them what he had to say. So when he politely asked me if we could have a chat in private, I almost struggled to hide my discomfort. I shrugged and tried to act natural. This was sure to be about Jack.

"Fine, what is it?"

He looked around as if he feared someone was spying on us.

"Let's talk somewhere else, it's not safe here." And before I could say anything at all, he had dragged me into an empty classroom and locked the door.

And so I found myself in the most nerve-wrecking situation I had ever been in before: alone with a boy in a dark classroom, with no way of getting out. I grossed my arms on my chest, huffing and pretending to be annoyed to hide my anxiety.

"What do you want Jeff?"

"Look, I know how you feel about Jack."
Of course, I had known it would be about that, yet it further aggravated my discomfort, if that was even possible. I nervously shifted my weight onto my right leg in an attempt to calm myself. Jeff noticed.

He lifted both hands in the air, like one would approaching a frightened child to show they weren't going to hurt them. It only served to make me even more defensive. "Don't worry, I haven't told him. That's not what I was gonna say."

I huffed "Then what is it, get to the point already."

"Okay, okay. What I want to say is you need to forget about him. He's..." and he paused for a second, as if unsure of how to word it, "not what you think he is."

And I don't know why but at that point, I felt anger boil in my veins. Not what I think he is? What the hell is that supposed to mean!? As if Jeff knew anything I didn't. And if he did, then what could it be? What could possibly be important enough for Jeff, of ALL people to come and talk to ME about it?

"Oh yeah, and what would that be, smile?" I all but snarled at his irritatingly grinning face. He seemed to be taken aback by my remark and he frowned, still smiling slightly, before growling.
"Don't call me that..."
I snapped "Then stop smiling like an idiot all the time!"

I immediately regretted my sudden outburst as he looked ready to tear me apart limb from limb and, for a split second, I could have sworn his smile WAS carved out. But in the blink of an eye, it was gone and he took a few deep breaths to calm himself, his smile almost returning to a normal size.
"Look, (Y/N), I'm just trying to help you here. There are some things about a few people in this school that you don't want to find out, Jack and I included."

"Then who else has secrets to keep may I ask? Or is it just you and Jack?"
There was a long silence in which Jeff looked down, pensive, deciding what he should or shouldn't give away. He, however, eventually gave in under my glare, to avoid any further questions, I guessed.

"Out of the people you may know, there is Tim and Brian, Ben, Toby Rogers, Natalie Quellette, Jane Arkensaw and Helen Otis. I would recommend staying away from them, for your own good. There, I told you, happy?"

"No, I'm not happy. And I won't be until you tell me what's different about you and the others."

Jeff rolled his eyes and huffed. He started walking for the door, mumbling a "Never mind, I warned you." but I put myself between him and the exit, blocking it.

"Jeff, tell me what's going on!"

He pushed me aside with ease and walked out. I chased after him, shouting for him to tell me what he was talking about. Suddenly, he turned around and shouted back.
"If you want to know so badly, then go find out by yourself but just don't blame me if you get killed!"

I blinked in surprise, watching as a haze lifted from his eyes and realisation dawned upon him of what he had said.

"Oh God, now look what you made me do! I've talked too much already. Stupid girl, he's gonna kill me because of you." He turned around and left, leaving me shocked and speechless. By the time I came to my senses and shouted for him to come back, he was already too far away.

Decidedly, I would never understand the popular kids. He is just so frustrating, ugh! He makes me want to scream my lungs out!
Stupid Jeff!!

(This chapter has been edited 8th June 2017)

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