The Truth

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(A/N I forgot to mention, I DO NOT OWN CREEPYPASTA and I certainly do not own you. I only own the story and scenario, nothing else. Anyway, enjoy)

your point of view

So Jeff won't tell me what's going on? Well then I'll just have to find out by myself, won't I.

It didn't take me long to find out what I needed to start my little investigation. A few well placed clicks and searches on the internet using my "parents"' laptop and I had my starting point.

I found out where Jack lived and I would barely have been more shocked if it was right next door. He lived alone, in a cabin, in the middle of the woods. What the actual hell Jack? However, it worked to my advantage in a way; the woods were close to my neighbourhood and the lack of light would make it harder for him to detect me. To play with this I got dressed all in black and, after checking one last time that my "parents" were asleep, crept out of the house, locking the front door behind me.

The woods were about ten minute's walk away from my house, five if I ran. I took off to my right and jogged to the edge of the woods.
I froze, my heart skipping a beat as a figure walked into my line of vision, hood pulled up over their head and hands in their pockets. If I wasn't trying to sneak my way to someone's house, I would have dismissed them as someone perfectly normal and inconspicuous but the adrenaline in my veins made everything look suspicious and dangerous.


I dived under a bush as the man snapped his head in my direction. I had accidentally walked on a twig, crap. Wait a second...this chocolate brown hair and pale skin...those eyes... Eyes that reflected the stars and the moon, adding them to its stormy sea. There could be no mistake. But what on earth was he doing out at this time!? Although I guess I had no room to talk.

After a few more tense heartbeats, Jack turned back around and continued walking in the direction he was headed for: into the woods (get the reference?). I let out the breath I had been keeping in and slowly crept out of under the bush, following him as discretely as I could. He didn't turn around once and kept on walking along the small dirt trail, leading me deeper and deeper in the growing darkness.

Jack's point of view
I knew (Y/N) was following me. Even in my human form, I could hear her. She may have been so quiet that no normal human would have noticed her, but I am not a normal human. In fact, I don't even count as human anymore.
Anyway, she is following me, I knew that even before she stepped on a twig, I could smell her. I couldn't possibly miss a smell such as hers, her kidneys smell so delicious. I've wanted to taste them for quite some time now but I guess I'm never going to get to. Slender told us not to harm her so...
The fact that she's following me doesn't really bother me so much but what does is that she's following me TODAY. I was supposed to go back to slender mansion to receive orders from slender for my first mission in weeks but now that she's there, I can't go there. She probably came to the woods to go visit my cabin so I guess I'll bring her there and have a little fun scaring her. I can phone Laughing Jack and ask him to do the job for me, I'm sure he'd love to go for a few extra kills. L.J always has a lot of fun with his victims, probably even more than I do. When he leaves, the corps is unrecognisable due to his torture methods. I just steal the organs and leave...ok, I take them when they're still alive but still, it's nowhere near as bad as what L.J does.

I guess I'll take (Y/N) for a little walk before I get to my cabin, I wouldn't want her to know where exactly I live. I'd better keep an eye on her though, I wouldn't want her getting lost here with the rake on the loose, she's my pray, I've got to protect her from the others.
Don't get me wrong here, I like (Y/N), she's a nice girl but that's all she really is, a human. Prey, Food...right?

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