Midnight Feast

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E.J's point of view
I got up from the couch and ran into the main hall when I heard the front door bang open. Jeff, Jane, Red and human Smile dog tumbled into the mansion, damp leaves and mud from their shoes dirtied the floor as they regained their balance. I noticed something about them that was different from usual, the mad glint that was usually always in their eyes were replaced by an emotion that should be unknown to us from the moment we 'awake': fear.

Jeff leaned his hands on his knees, panting heavily as Jane slumped against the wall. Red sank to his knees, throwing his head back as he gasped for air, making his red cap fall off his dark brown hair whilst Smile took a few steps before collapsing on the ground. I worried about him at first but then calmed down a little when I realised he was still breathing, just exhausted. (Y/N) came in after me, a clear look of concern in her purple eyes. Running over to Smile, she took him in her arms, much to my annoyance.

"Smile! Are you ok? What happened to you guys!?" she cried in her sweet angelic voice.

"(Y-Y/N)...he's...coming. He'll get us all..." was the response she got from him. This peaked my interest and I was about to ask Smile about it until I realised he was now unconscious. I turned to Jeff who was the one that looked the less tired.

"What did he mean? Who's 'he'?" I asked my raven haired best friend, frowning slightly.

"It's...him. Z...Zalgo." He declared, making my eyes widen, "He's the one who...took Masky. He said he'd get us. Every last one of us..."

The pale teen started tipping forwards as he slowly lost consciousness. He seemed to fall in slow motion as I ashed over and caught him swiftly in my arms before he hit the ground. Alright, now I'm worried. Jeff has never, and I mean NEVER been in such a bad state that he lost consciousness. I softly layed him down on his back before checking his pulse...Good, he's alright, that's a relief.

We concluded that we'd talk with the others once they have rested up a bit and gotten over their shock after Jane burst out in tears and Red started to hallucinate. I've just been back from checking on all of them in their rooms, Silver stayed with Red since they share a room and Clockwork stayed with Jane because they're best friends. I would have stayed with Jeff but I was worried about (Y/N), she seemed pretty shaken. I come to her door and take a deep breath before knocking.

Knock...knock knock!



"who...*sniff*...Who's there?" she called. I was shocked to hear that she was crying.

I cleared my throat "i-it's me, EJ. Can...can I come in?" I waited for an answer but none came. So I hesitantly opened the door, peaking inside.

(Y/N) was on her bed, hiding her face in her pillow whilst she cried softly. I quietly made my way to her and sat on the edge of her bed. Without thinking twice, I gently started stroking her hair. It pains me to see her like this. I don't know why but when I see her crying like this it makes my heart ache, as if I shared the pain with her.

I've noticed lately how I've been acting differently towards her. Whenever I see her with our brothers, I feel anger boil up inside me and I feel jealousy come over me. It's as though part of me wants her all for myself whilst the other couldn't care less what happened to her. I want her but I know I shouldn't...although I couldn't care less that I shouldn't either. I need her. She makes me feel,so different...almost human, almost. She made me rediscover emotions I had lost. She made me feel happy when she was, she made me feel the joy of being surrounded by close ones. And now she's making me feel the pain of what losing one is like. And it hurts. Really it hurts.

She seemed to relax a bit and the heaves of her chest diminished. Eventually, she stopped crying and turned around to face me. She wiped the tears from her face with her arm and gave me a close eyed smile. Cute...

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