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(next update by Wednesday or Thursday)

Your point of view

When I woke up, Jack was beside me, fast asleep. His mask was in his hand, his eyelids shut comfortably. The tip of his sharp teeth peeked out from his slightly left ajar thin lips, slow breathing barely audible to my ears. I smiled and softly pecked his cheeks, so as not to wake him up. I'm not the angel here, no, he is.

As quietly I could, I got out of bed and headed to Masky and Hoodie's room. I walked through the corridor, tiptoeing past Jeff's door so I didn't wake him up:that's the last thing you want to do with Jeff, he's worst than a bear in the morning. I knocked on the yellowy-orangy coloured door before stepping in without waiting for a res ponce. The sight before me made me smile with the greatest joy I had ever felt in my life.

Masky was in his bed, awake and leaning back on a pile of pillows, with a frail but healthier look than last time I came by to check on him. Hoodie was sat on the floor next to him, his mask on the side as he struggled to wipe away the tears that lined his eyes whilst making sure I couldn't see his face. However (not to sound mean) seeing what he looked like was the least of my worries now. Tears of joy began to fill up in my own eyes as i rushed over to their side, basically throwing myself at my brother.

"Masky!!" I tried to shout, yet it only came out as a whisper, my voice cracking halfway through. Tears now flowed freely out of my eyes, soaking the collar of his shirt as I tightly hugged his neck. "You're okay, you're OK..." I trailed off, repeating those words over and over as I gently rocked back and forth with him in my arms.

"(Y-Y/N) you're strangling me!" he squeaked out. I released him and sat back on my heals, smiling goofily at him with tears drying quickly on my cheeks. "Hoodie, close the door please." Masky asked of his twin, looking a tiny bit uncomfortable with the situation, probably because his mask was off and the door wide open. His 'twin' did as he asked and he seemed to relax a bit, it made me happy he was comfortable with me seeing his face.

"So how are you feeling, when did you wake up?" I asked

"I'm fine, tired, but fine. Just woke up now actually, Brian only had time to shed a few tears before you came barging in here." he teased the hooded teen, getting a pout in return.

I was confused for a moment, unsure as to who Brian was until I remembered that was Hood's real name.

"I-I wasn't c-crying, Tim." he answered, puffing his cheeks out in a childish manner. From what I could see, Hoodie too was really handsome, like all of my other brothers. He had extremely pale skin, most likely due to the fact every single inch of it was usually covered by something, even more than Masky tended to have. His lips were thin and looked soft, although that's for Hannah to find out, and tuffs of light brown hair framed the higher sides of his face beautifully. I could see up to his nose, and after that the shadow of the hood covered it all up. I smiled at the fact that not only Masky, but also Hoodie, were comfortable with me around. It really felt like we were blood siblings, honestly it did.

I stiffened slightly before relaxing again, earning strange looks from the twins.

"Guys, put your masks on, EJ's coming."

Hoodie did so but Masky stayed put, confusion written all over his face, "(Y/N)? How did you know EJ was coming?" he asked. I opened my mouth to answer but Hoodie beat me to it.

"They're nearly aura twins, a few more days, I'd say."

Masky's confusion was replaced by surprise and contentment. I never realised how easy it was to tell Tim's emotions when his mask wasn't on, I guess he does a really good job at hiding them when the others are around. He too picked up his mask and fastened it around his head, covering his face and hiding his emotions once more. Sure enough, Jack opened the door to come in without knocking on it and closes it with his foot. The others couldn't tell because of his own mask but I could, he was suspicious and slightly pissed off that I left without waking him up. He turned to me first.

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