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My brain's activity raised as my general understanding of the situation lowered. What? My adoptive parents are part of the CES? But mother didn't have a job and father worked in a bank, he was always complaining about how much stress he was under at work and how he always had to work over hours, resulting in him taking out his anger on me. Or at least that's what they always told me. After all, they did lie to me about how they found me so surely they could have lied about this as well...right? In fact it was very probable that they would do that.

Then it hit me, turning my surprise to hurt and anger. If Ame knew this then why didn't he tell me so earlier? How come he never felt no need to tell me, I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything! But then again...that was just my fantasy wasn't it. Ame knows everything about me...but I don't know a single thing about him.

" you mind telling me a little more about your past? I deserve to know."

He sighed, 'Yes, you do. I...I can't remember most of my life, I forgot it when I ended up in your head.'

I listened carefully whilst keeping an eye on his inner feelings to make sure what he told me the truth as I sat on the edge of my bed.

I was once human, as I told you, but I was also a creepypasta. I remember that much, living in the mansion with some others but I can't remember who. One day I was taken in by the CES and they experimented on my body. The pain was so intense I blacked out for a week and I had a sort of vision...'

I felt Ame tense up, hesitating for a little, as if deciding weather or not to tell me. "Go on..." I encouraged him. He stiffened and I felt him feel a little guilty, showing that he was lying.

'I saw my mother. What she was like when I knew her, back when I was human.'

I frowned but nodded my head, hinting for him to keep on going; I thought I'd let him off for now but I'll definitely come back to it later, you can count on that.

'I was eventually rescued and taken back to the mansion. I remember meeting a female and...interacting with her but then There's like a blank in my memory and I never saw her again. The next thing I remember is me flying upwards, going higher, higher, as high as possible. I had a clear plan in mind but I can't remember what it was. I remember falling and hitting the ground, hard, so hard it knocked me out. The next thing I knew I was in your head and I had lost most of my memories. I guess you know the rest.'

He wasn't lying anymore, that much was clear from his calm aura. I nodded and got up from the bed, still a little dazed from all the information I just received. I dusted myself off and headed out, "Thanks for your honesty Ame."

Just as I was about to open the door it was opened for me, making me jump and stumble a few steps back in surprise as my heart raced madly in my chest.

"Oh my flipping heck! Don't scare me like that!"

Puppet gave me a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Ehehe...sorry (Y/N). I just came to tell you we're leaving. Ej's already outside."

"Ever heard of knocking!? I could have been changing for all you knew!" I asked him, my eyes wide with incredulousity.

" were talking to yourself so I assumed you were ready. I noticed you talk to yourself when you're done."

My face flushed tomato red and I stuttered in embarrassment, "W-what? I-I don't t-talk to myself, w-what are you on a-about!"

He patted my head and brought his face down so our eyes were on the same level, "Aww, come on (Y/N) there's no need to be embarrassed. I'm your big brother, I won't judge."

My Monster Family (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now