Chapter 25:"YOUR ASS IS MINE!"

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"About what?" She raises an eyebrow and leans closer to me. "Speak up!"

"It's n-nothing..." I lie and look down. -Like hell I'd tell her!- She grunts and shakes me by my shoulders.

"Gurl~ c'mon! Sum'things up! I spot flushes on you~" She laughs and I groan. -I blame my mom for this 'flush' genes. - I peek around us to made sure there aren't any eavesdropers in the hall. I mean, this is highschool I'm talking about, once you've said or done something, people will have have you as a topic.

"It's about Raven..." I gave in and told her all the details, on how he confessed to me infront of his ex-girlfriend and that I was jealous of her. I can't hide things behind her back, she'll eventually find out and won't stop nagging, why I didn't tell it to her sooner.

She squeals and has a brightful grin on her face. Also, she doesn't stop telling me, that she knew this will happen. -No good!-

I blur her out of my thoughts, while she's still over dramatically praising me.

-I wonder what Raven is doing right now. What will happen next?... What do I feel towards him?-


Court has to go to another class, so we parted ways. While I am walking, I notice someone familliar glancing at the school board. He has upturned black hair and a red bandana around his tattood arm.

-It's Kim! What is he doing here?-

"Hi." I walk towards him and smile. He's a person you can't ignore for some reasons, like his presence is way to strong.

He grins back and gives me a hug. "Hey~"

"Since when were you attending our school?" I ask as he lets go.

"Been here since the ninth grade." He chuckles, then grins again. "I just skip often and mostly am in art class." Explains, why I have never seen him. Most of my time, I'm either in the cantine, library or music room.

"Why didn't you tell it to me sooner?" I remember the time, where the whole squad introduced themselves. Only Crystal mentioned that she was attending our school. "Are the others also here?"

He shakes his head. "Only me and Crystal. I don't think it's necessary to mention school. I mean, no one gives a fuck." His laughter echoes the hall again. I smile and just shrug, while starring into his baby-face, with a lip ring and a sharp shaped jawline.

After a while he pokes me, while wiggling his eyebrows. "Heared you got a confession~" -Don't tell me...-

I flush and sigh. "I don't know how to respond to that tho..."

He clears his throat, then slings one arm around my shoulder, while he leads me to walking. " Ya know, Raven is a good man. I've been bestfriends with him, since we were in elementary school. From how I know him, he can be a dick, with his goddamn 'great' knowledge. And what a big dick he can be~ Like he doesn't make sense most of the time!" -Yep, that sounds like Raven.-

I press my lips together and try to hide my smile, thanks to Kim sounding funny with his dramatic voice. "I'm not trying to make it hard for you or force you to accept him. You should decide, what you think is best for you." I spot a little smile across his face as we continue walking. "But if you do choose him... make sure to punch him many times, since you've got the chance to! I mean, I'd use that opportunity!" I crack out a little laughter and he joins me. -I can't take him serious.-

"Just kidding. He's been smiling a lot lately and stopped being that grumpy asshole that he actually is. Ever since, you two have met, I can't get it out of my mind, that he's actually 'that' Raven from 4 years ago. What an amazing glow-up, huh?" He laughs as I stare at him.

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