Chapter xx: Nia and Akihiko 💍?

Start from the beginning

False hope was always something she had to experience. She was tired of trying to win him over, she was tired of putting in so much effort when she felt attraction and love should happen naturally. At this point, getting Naruto to even look her way seemed very forced. Nia just couldn't handle the rejection any longer.

Her heart was starting to sway toward Akihiko instead.

"Psst," A whisper came from outside the window just as the kunoichi touched the paper with the tip of her ink brush. "Miss Nia... Miss Nia... psst."

Her heart jumped at the sound of the familiar voice.

'What? No way...' She quietly made her way to the opened window and viewed the outside.

However, everywhere she looked, she couldn't find the person that matched the voice until suddenly someone rose up and clasped her hand in theirs and when they did, the girl made a yelp before a hand gently covered over it to keep her quiet.

"My beautiful queen," Nia's eyes widened a bit after seeing Akihiko on the other side, speaking to her. "You're still awake, I'm overjoyed."

"Akihiko... What're you doing here? If Naruto wakes up and sees you, you're dead." The girl whispered. "I thought you were-"

"I just... I just couldn't leave you to him. You've been all I've thought about since I left you all with my summoning horses two days ago. And Miss Nia, there's so much sorrow in your eyes. That scoundrel doesn't make you feel good, does he?"

"Please don't call him a scoundrel. He's not evil at all."

"Miss Nia, please... please allow me to speak with you about everything. Let's go take a stroll down these woods, there's a beautiful lake up ahead that we can gaze at."

"But..." Nia looked over her shoulder at the resting blonde.

"He will be just fine," Akihiko lightly tugged on her wrist. "Please... lets just talk somewhere more private, beautiful."

"Beautiful...?" This made her blush as the older male nodded.

"Yes... I think you're incredibly beautiful, Miss Nia. Now, will you please let me speak with you?"

"S-Sure... it's the least I can do to make up for that time Naruto threw those gorgeous bouquet of roses you tried to give me in your face," Nia replied as Akihiko gently grasped her hand and helped her out of the window and onto the grass below. "I'm so sorry for his rudeness. I don't understand why he gets so upset when you're around."

"He's immature... and can't quite understand that of his own feelings."

"Huh? His own feelings? What do you mean?"

"What? You haven't caught on?" The prince kept ahold of her hand and began leading down a path.

"Caught on to what? That he hates you for no good reason?"

"You are just as oblivious as he is, oh heavens. Miss Nia... he clearly has feelings for you, my love."

"Eh?" Nia halted. "Feelings? What? No, he doesn't. He think I'm ugly... and probably fat too and the grossest person on this planet."

"You very much think badly of yourself, don't you?"

"...I don't think that terribly of myself. I'm just saying what I hear everyone around me say about me."

"I'm so disgusted by how others perceive you. So heartless and such poor taste. You are gorgeous, and yes... I do mean it when I say I believe that insensitive specimen asleep has a crush on you."

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