iron girl-chapter 5/6

Depuis le début

I snickered as he got into the car grumbling.

"Where are we going?"

"First, hair place. We need to change your apperance. Hair cut, dyed, and then makeover."

"What?!?! I love my long hair! And my black hair is my trademark!"

"Exactly. People, Hammer, can spot you a mile away! We have to change you so you don't look like me." his face tortured me. He didn't want to this. He loved how I looked like him. I can't decide what I want. I've always wanted to ditch this look, but now, I've met my dad. I want to stay this way for a while. Now I have no choice.


Chapter 6

(I know this is weird but I didn't want stop it felt right to just make a new chapter)

I flipped the radio on and scowled when I heard Teenage Dream. I quickly flipped to rock and Aerosmith was on. I grinned when I found it was Eat the Rich. (a/n listen to the little south of sanity verson)

"Is the what you think of me?" Tony said with a grin.

"Well you are smart. Most rich people are just ass's."

"Ok, we need rules about languge."

"Ok, whatever you say in front if me, I can say in front of you."


I flipped the channel and Another One Bites the Dust is on.

Tony started laughing and it scared the crap out of me.

"Sorry, I beat my buddy's ass to this song. Heheha..."

"That Roudes guy? I heard he whipped yours and took your suit." I grinned evily.

"Touche. That reminds me, my birthday's coming up again. Help me plan?"


I hummed along to the song in my own little world till Tony disruped it.

"We're here." he said darkly.

"Oh God." I stumbled out of the car and tip-toed to the door. Tony kissed my head.

"It'll be fine. You'll look beatiuful. Er." he playfully pushed me.

"Oi." that was all I could muster to say.

"Hello, wel-Tony!" the stylist said, her Britsh accent faint. Most ladies threw themselves a Tony, this one was different. She wasn't intrested. She just thought of him as a friend. "Your back. What do you need?"

"It's not me, it's my daughter."

"Oh! Hello!" she took me, her eyes full of love. "She's beatiuful. Why does she need to be changed? She looks like you."

"Ow, your making me not wanna do this. We've been having problems with Hammer."

"Ahh, I understand." her words dripped with regret.

"Ok! Now that we are away from that, I'll tell ya what I want. Now, a nice bl-"

"Wait, wait. Blonde? I choose my apperance." my face with a oh-no-you-didn't look.

"Ugh, fine. I get to help though. I don't what any two-toned yet." Tony stated.

"Ok, I want a light brunette, like suntouched, few highlights, purple and black streaks, cut shoulder-lenth, side bangs, and layered so I can keep it messy. Got it?"

"Yes, this shall be fun!" the stylist giggled.

"Shoo." Tony glared at me. Yikes, what's his prob?

We walked to the back, and I sat down. She began to cut my hair and we chatted. Her name is Anna, she's known Tony for three years, she's a lesbian, has been in a relationship for five years, and is 23.

When she finally finished my hair three hours later, Tony was asleep on the couch.

"Tttooonnnyyyy!!!" Anna shrieked in his ear.

"Shit!!" he yelped as he fell. All the stylists laughed as he pulled himself up. "Hardeharhar. Hilarious." he looked up and down when he relized I was standing next to him. "I love it. Beatuiful. Thank you Anna."

"My pleasure."

Tony paid and we left.

"Now where?" I asked.

"Clothes. Can't let you steal all of Pepp's clothes. But first, food. And I need to ask you something."


"I wanna ask Pepper to marry me."


Only one point of view. I no. I just felt like scarlett, prob because she looks like me now. Never again will I ask a author to upload again. Unless its been a month. Listen to those songs!!! Also, am I rushing this? Vote, comment, save!!! Love ya!!

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