Chapter seventeen

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You might be able to tell that the story of Jet and Rose is coming to an end. I am trying to make it as realistic as I can at the moment, thought I will be going over the whole book if you have any suggestions for changes. :D



Chapter seventeen.

Nurse Tracy was hysterical at the amount of people lining up to see Rose the next afternoon. ‘Please, move out of the hallway!’ she would exclaim. ‘Where are all of you coming from?’ she would whisper to herself and motion frantically for everyone to move aside.

Jet felt a little bad so he got the fifteen of Rose’s friends to take seats and told them he would let them know when she was ready to see someone else. Everything was going well. Jet chatted with a few of the people and hugged the odd girl he knew while she cried. Tom had gotten coffee orders for everyone earlier on.

“Ok, Tom and Alisha.” They were the last people left. Alisha was sweating because she was so nervous and demanded that she saw Rose last. Jet thought that she was almost as stubborn as Rose, almost.

“Is she tired?” Alisha asked, voice weary. “Maybe we should come back tomorrow…or like next week.” It wasn’t hard to tell that Alisha was nervous. She was about to see her former best friend in the worst condition she had ever been.

“It’s ok.” Tom hung his arm over her small shoulders. She nodded but still looked like she didn’t know whether to throw up or pass out.

Jet stopped at Rose’s door and nodded to Alisha. She nodded back and took a deep breath.

Tom’s phone beeped then he walked away to answer it. “Hey babe…” he said with a huge grin on his face.

“Come on,” Jet told Alisha softly. “She has been asking for you all day.”

Alisha follows Jet in with teary eyes, looking like a small child.

Rose’s face lights up with little effort. Jet hasn’t seen her this happy all day.

As though the two girls were wired together, they both started to cry. Alisha had more energy so she bawled her eyes out while tears silently rolled down Rose’s cheeks.

The first thing that struck Alisha was how sick Rose looked. She had never see someone dying of cancer and for a second she was frozen with shock.

Jet gave her a small push forward. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Jet told Rose. She nodded and he left reluctantly. For the better part of the day he hadn’t been able to talk to Rose and even though he had seen her most of the time he was beginning to miss her.

“Rose…” Alisha broke off her words, not knowing what to say.

“I’m sorry.” Rose croaked out once she had calmed down. Jet had tried to put her hair up so it was out of her face but…well…it looked like a mess. He had missed strands and the piggy-tail was off centre. It was the best he could for his first time at doing hair. His movements were awkward and stiff and he twisted in the scrunchie.

Alisha moved closer to Rose.

“I think we are a little past that.” Alisha looked down at her hands and sniffed. It was silent for a short moment.

“Can you…do me…a favour?” Rose said between breaths. Alisha didn’t look up. “Lish?” Rose used her nickname for her red-headed friend. Alisha started to shake with tears when she looked up into her best friends eyes.


“Can you plat my hair…like you used to. Please?” Rose tried to smile but she was so tired after all her old friends came to see her. She hadn’t seen Georgina though. Jet had told her that Alisha and Tom were the last two and she felt a little sad because she knew if someone were to see through her act, it would have been Georgina.

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