Chapter five

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~Edited chapter~


Jet took Rose’s hand and pulled her towards his car. Rose giggled; feeling like a little girl. Jet stopped at his car and opened the passenger door. No one had opened the door for her before. Not even her past boyfriends. Rose smiled to herself and stepped forward to get in.

“Hey, Jet. I wanna talk to you.” Rose turned to see a large guy walking over to them. She remembered him as Mitchell; he was never in her friendship group. Jet stepped in front of Rose and puffed up a little.

“Now’s not the time.” Jet’s voice was a low rumble. Rose peeped from around Jet to see Mitchell scowling at him.

“Now is the time,” he came closer and Jet held onto Rose’s wrist firmly. “I heard you were hitting on Odell.” Rose was sure that there was going to be a punch thrown. Her heart raced at the thought of it. She grabbed hold of the hood on Jet’s jumper.

“I only talked to her once, man. Look just back off.” Jet held up his hand, he didn’t want to start anything. Mitchell smacked his hand out of the way with his forearm.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” He got up close to Jet. They were about the same height but Mitchell was big built. Rose somehow knew that Jet would win if it came down to a fight between the two guys. She then remembered what she heard in art, about Jet having anger issues. Scared, Rose pulled at his arm. Could he control himself? Rose didn’t know.

“Let’s go.” Rose whispered.

“Listen dick, back off before I do something I’ll regret.” Jet’s voice exploded with anger and he pushed Mitchell backwards. He stumbled but regained his footing. Mitchell’s face turned red with anger and people started to gather around, hoping to see a fight.

“You’re going to pay for that.” Mitchell said, voice gruff. Jet lightly pushed Rose back and readied himself Mitchell threw a punch that Jet blocked.

“I didn’t hit on your girlfriend, ok.” Jet yelled at him. He was trying to keep control of his anger but he was finding it hard. Mitchell swung again and Jet blocked it and returned it with another push to Mitchell’s chest. Rose hurried up to Jet’s side and pulled at his arm.

How was it that he had only been at the school for a week and was already making enemies? Small town and a very angry boy didn’t make for a good combination. Jet and Rose were quickly becoming aware of this fact.

“Jet,” she hissed. He didn’t take his eyes from Mitchell’s. Both of the guys’ chests were rising and falling and their jaws clenched. “Hey, Jet. Let’s just leave.” Jet broke eye contact and looked down at Rose with big eyes. He didn’t want her to see him like this. Rose’s eyes were wide too but for a different reason. She was a scared of Jet. He let himself relax immediately; wanting to show her that he wasn’t a monster. Despite his ugly past Jet wasn’t all bad.

“What’s going on here?” a teacher called in a snippy voice and the students slowly moved away from the three of them. None of the students wanted to be associated with the fight when the teachers honed in, they only wanted to feed from the drama. Mitchell blinked and went to back away.

“Careful, Rose. He’s a player.” Mitchell told Rose, never taking his eyes off of Jet. He didn’t sound like he cared about Rose at all, though. He walked away and Rose sighed with relief. Her hands shook a little and her head spun. Jet relaxed further once Mitchell was far enough away. Notwithstanding his bad-boy look and killer reputation, Jet didn’t pick fights, anymore. Without knowing how he always found himself in the middle of bad situations.

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